- source.json's type is string, not objectMODORDSTOR-446Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-446Julian Ladisch
- receipt_status.json is of type string, not of type objectMODORDSTOR-445Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-445Julian Ladisch
- order_format.json is of type string, not of type objectMODORDSTOR-444Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-444Julian Ladisch
- Implement API for Order Template CategoriesMODORDSTOR-443Azizbek Khushvakov
- Sunflower 2025-R1 Schema testingMODORDSTOR-442Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-442Boburbek Kadirkhodjaev
- Sunflower 2025-R1 releaseMODORDSTOR-441Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-441Mikita Siadykh
- Long running query leads to DB CPU reach 100% for 20 minutesMODORDSTOR-440
- Sensitive data in logs cleanupMODORDSTOR-439
- Batch create pieces APIMODORDSTOR-438Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-438Azizbek Khushvakov
- Populate metadata for entities batch operationsMODORDSTOR-436Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-436Serhii_Nosko
- Introduce new batch update pieces endpointMODORDSTOR-435Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-435Saba Zedginidze
- $1::text fixing "could not determine data type" in PieceClaimingRepository SQLMODORDSTOR-434Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-434
- Replace mod-configuration to retrieve current time zone in Claiming jobMODORDSTOR-433
- Missing interface dependencies in module descriptorMODORDSTOR-432Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-432Azizbek Khushvakov
- ECS | Update search locations for POL created in Central tenant after updating the permanent location of the holding from Member tenant related to the POLMODORDSTOR-431Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-431Joseph Reimers
- ReleaseMODORDSTOR-429Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-429
- Perform DB schema testing for Ramsons releaseMODORDSTOR-428Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-428Boburbek Kadirkhodjaev
- PO locations are not changed after updating the item ownershipMODORDSTOR-427Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-427Dennis Bridges
- Update libraries of dependant acq modules to the latest versionsMODORDSTOR-426Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-426Saba Zedginidze
- Implement Item update even consumer logic to update piece holding across single tenantMODORDSTOR-419Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-419Dennis Bridges
- Add karate tests for updating orders data after inventory ownership changesMODORDSTOR-418Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-418Saba Zedginidze
- Add kafka consumer for Item Create events with processing logicMODORDSTOR-417Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-417Dennis Bridges
- Add kafka consumer for Holdings Create events with processing logicMODORDSTOR-416Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-416Dennis Bridges
- Review and cleanup Module Descriptor for mod-orders-storageMODORDSTOR-415Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-415Mikita Siadykh
- ECS | Installation failure (Q)MODORDSTOR-414Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-414Boburbek Kadirkhodjaev
- Release module to include remove breaking index for older v13.7.4MODORDSTOR-413Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-413Azizbek Khushvakov
- Create Karate tests for Open/UnOpen/Change Instance in cross-tenant envsMODORDSTOR-412Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-412Azizbek Khushvakov
- Delete unused acquisition method "Test user method"MODORDSTOR-411Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-411Julian Ladisch
- Replace PomReader with ModuleName fixing Zip Slip (CWE-22)MODORDSTOR-410Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-410Julian Ladisch
- Investigate way to improve performance of Receiving filteringMODORDSTOR-409Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-409Serhii_Nosko
- Upgrading tenant resets reference and sample recordsMODORDSTOR-408Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-408Julian Ladisch
- Upgrade RMB and optimize indicesMODORDSTOR-407
- Investigate way to improve performance of Orders filteringMODORDSTOR-406Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-406Serhii_Nosko
- Remove workarounds for custom fieldsMODORDSTOR-405
- Create Karate tests for Pieces API in cross-tenant envsMODORDSTOR-403Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-403Saba Zedginidze
- Setup consortia for Open/UnOpen/Change Instance in cross-tenant envsMODORDSTOR-402Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-402Irakli Merabishvili
- Create migration to populate Holding::permanentLocationIdMODORDSTOR-401Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-401Irakli Merabishvili
- Missing interface dependencies in module descriptorMODORDSTOR-399Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-399Dennis Bridges
- Create migration script to populate searchLocationIdsMODORDSTOR-398Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-398
- Add index for searchLocationIdsMODORDSTOR-396Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-396Saba Zedginidze
- Metadata for Create Title is not populatedMODORDSTOR-395Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-395Dennis Bridges
- Custom Fields - Implement index managmentMODORDSTOR-392Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-392Tino R.
- mod-orders-storage: module releaseMODORDSTOR-390Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-390Mikita Siadykh
- Address index warnings for table purchase_orderMODORDSTOR-389Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-389Tino R.
- Custom fields - Check if db indexes are getting used during filter/search for custom fields in UIMODORDSTOR-388Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-388Tino R.
- Add missed indexes for common operations with ordersMODORDSTOR-387Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-387Serhii_Nosko
- mod-orders-storage: schema testingMODORDSTOR-386Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-386Serhii_Nosko
- mod-orders-storage: Upgrade RAML Module BuilderMODORDSTOR-385Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-385Saba Zedginidze
- Add receivingTenantId to the Piece schemaMODORDSTOR-383Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-383Saba Zedginidze
- Add tenantId to the Location schemaMODORDSTOR-381Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-381Saba Zedginidze
50 of 363
Potential Workaround
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