Mod-agreements current makes multiple requests to mod-kb-ebsco-java to retrieve agreement lines – such as the following
GET /mod-kb-ebsco-java/eholdings/resources/207-2593776-1823908
For agreements which have large number of resources, this can translate into several requests (1 per resource)
Investigate/Implement an endpoint which would support/accept a list of resource id's and return a collection of resources
This would cut down on the number of requests that would be required from mod-agreements to mod-kb-ebsco-java
Of Note – HoldingsIQ currently does not support an endpoint which accepts multiple resource ids for bulk retrieval. Follow up with HoldingsIQ team on potential of adding this functionality as well
Mod-agreements current makes multiple requests to mod-kb-ebsco-java to retrieve agreement lines – such as the following
GET /mod-kb-ebsco-java/eholdings/resources/207-2593776-1823908
For agreements which have large number of resources, this can translate into several requests (1 per resource)
Investigate/Implement an endpoint which would support/accept a list of resource id's and return a collection of resources
This would cut down on the number of requests that would be required from mod-agreements to mod-kb-ebsco-java
Of Note – HoldingsIQ currently does not support an endpoint which accepts multiple resource ids for bulk retrieval. Follow up with HoldingsIQ team on potential of adding this functionality as well