We are currently using the following endpoints form HoldingsIQ to support resource level tags
Above endpoints are limited in that only a single staging area per customer is supported and there is no support for deltas between holdings. Each download would have to be the complete one.
Newer endpoints are in beta which will allow for multiple transactions for the same customer id and also support deltas so we don't have to do a lot of heavy lifting except the first time – documentation can be found at
AND see below Comments
Investigate usage of these endpoints(screenshot attached) - need to wait for move from BETA – pending data quality
Evaluate if these endpoints will improve tags support and enhancements such as (e.g. search tags and apply filters OR search tags and provider/package/title)
is the endpoint which creates a staging snapshot of holdings for a given customer. However, if the same request is made again, it creates another transaction and does not interfere with the transaction in progress.
- gives a list of all transactions in progress
Now, to get deltas between 2 transactions - the first time we make a POST request, we save the "transactionId". The next time, we make a POST request, save the transactionId - Send these 2 transaction IDs as request body to
Use the deltaReportId in the below endpoints to get status and delta report:
Using the above, we can get a difference of holdings for the time period(in our case 5 days), and only process those instead of downloading all holdings which can be resource intensive.
We are currently using the following endpoints form HoldingsIQ to support resource level tags
Above endpoints are limited in that only a single staging area per customer is supported and there is no support for deltas between holdings. Each download would have to be the complete one.
Newer endpoints are in beta which will allow for multiple transactions for the same customer id and also support deltas so we don't have to do a lot of heavy lifting except the first time – documentation can be found at
AND see below Comments
Investigate usage of these endpoints(screenshot attached) - need to wait for move from BETA – pending data quality
Evaluate if these endpoints will improve tags support and enhancements such as (e.g. search tags and apply filters OR search tags and provider/package/title)
Create user stories if applicable