Pavlo Smahin
Pavlo SmahinReporter
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Nolana (R3 2022)
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created November 11, 2022 at 6:49 PM
Updated March 26, 2023 at 11:06 PM
Resolved March 6, 2023 at 6:03 PM
Overview: For some reason, at "Snapshot" environment "Notes" in exported ".csv" file are sorted the same way as in the "UI" (by relevance).
But at "Nolana BF" environment "Notes" in exported ".csv" file are sorted randomly (looks like).
Steps to Reproduce:
Log into Snapshot / Nolana BF FOLIO environment as User with the following permissions:
Agreements: Search & view agreements
eHoldings: Can view providers, packages, titles detail records
Export manager: All
Notes: Can assign and unassign a note
Notes: Can create a note
Notes: Can view a note
Go to the "Title+Package": "/eholdings/resources/58-2476-3154".
Create 10 "Notes" record with
"Note type"="General note".
"Note title*"=any unique name with index (n+1).
Export "Title+Package" by clicking on the "Actions">>"Export title package (CSV)">>"Export".
Go to "Export manager" app and download the exported ".csv" file.
Expected Results: "Notes" in downloaded ".csv" file is sorted by last updated in descending order.
Actual Results: At "Snapshot" environment: "Notes" in exported ".csv" are sorted by relevance (I guess).
At "Nolana BF" environment: "Notes" in exported ".csv" are sorted randomly.
Additional Information: see attached screencast.
Example of expected sorting of "Notes" records:
1) The User creates the "Notes" in some "Package"/"Title+Package" record in the following order:
first - Note 1
second - Note 2
third - Note 3
On UI it will look like (see screenshot):
2) In exported ".csv" file the "Note" records will look like as at screenshot:
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