Mukhiddin Yusupov
Mukhiddin YusupovReporter
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Quesnelia (R1 2024)
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Quesnelia (R1 2024)
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created February 16, 2024 at 5:41 PM
Updated March 25, 2024 at 4:06 PM
Resolved March 14, 2024 at 1:38 PM
Overview: Admin name is displayed in "Updater" column of "MARC authority headings updates (CSV)" report instead of user’s Last, First name. Reproduces only for the first update of “MARC authority” heading.
Steps to reproduce:
Log into Snapshot FOLIO environment as user A with following permissions:
MARC Authority: View MARC authority record
MARC Authority: Edit MARC authority record
quickMARC: View, edit MARC authorities record
Inventory: All permissions
quickMARC: View, edit MARC bibliographic record
quickMARC: Can Link/unlink authority records to bib records
Export manager: All
Data import: Can upload files, import, and view logs
Log into Snapshot FOLIO environment as user B with following permissions:
Data import: Can upload files, import, and view logs
MARC Authority: View MARC authority record
As User B: Go to “Data import” app and import attached “mrc” file using “Default - Create SRS MARC Authority” job profile.
All further steps are described for User A:
Go to “MARC authority” app >> find imported record >> open detail view
Click on the “Actions” >> “Edit”
Edit "$a" subfield value in "1XX" field (it will be the first update)
Click "Save & keep editing" button
Edit "$a" subfield value in "1XX" field again (it will be the second update)
Click on the “Actions” on the second pane >> “MARC authority headings updates (CSV)” >> Select current date >> Click on the “Export” button.
Go to “Export manager” >> Check “Authority control” checkbox
Download generated “MARC authority headings updates” report.
Expected result: Both updates of “MARC authority” record have been made by User A.
Actual result: The first update has been made by User B. The second update has been made by User A.
See attached screencast:
Additional information: In the response of GET “/links/stats/authority?action=UPDATE_HEADING&fromDate=<date>&toDate=<date>&limit=100”:
is displayed “Not specified” field when"sourceFileNew"
is displayed valid authority file name and file name wasn’t changed.See attached screenshot:
I’m not sure if
field could affect something, so please review.