- Ramsons backport: Subfield "9" is absent from linkable fields of MARC bib specificationMODELINKS-309Resolved issue: MODELINKS-309
- Include additional 162 MARC records in authority recordsMODELINKS-308Resolved issue: MODELINKS-308
- Include additional 185 MARC records in authority recordsMODELINKS-307Resolved issue: MODELINKS-307
- Include additional 182 MARC records in authority recordsMODELINKS-306Resolved issue: MODELINKS-306
- Include additional 181 MARC records in authority recordsMODELINKS-305Resolved issue: MODELINKS-305
- Release mod-entities-links v{{module_version}} Sunflower Release (R1 2025)MODELINKS-304
- [Spitfire] Include additional 180 MARC records in authority recordsMODELINKS-302Resolved issue: MODELINKS-302Askhat Abishev
- [Spitfire] Include 148 MARC record in authority recordsMODELINKS-301Resolved issue: MODELINKS-301
- Update to mod-entities-links Java 21MODELINKS-300Resolved issue: MODELINKS-300Pavlo Smahin
- Settings > MARC authority - Display who made regardless of affiliationMODELINKS-297
- (Eureka R BF ECS) Cannot update/delete existing authority source fileMODELINKS-299
- Sensitive data in logs cleanupMODELINKS-296
- [Spitfire] Include 147 MARC record in authority recordsMODELINKS-294Resolved issue: MODELINKS-294Askhat Abishev
- Update tenant module permissionsMODELINKS-292Resolved issue: MODELINKS-292Svitlana Kovalova
- Fix api-docs github workflowMODELINKS-291Resolved issue: MODELINKS-291Viacheslav Kolesnyk
- Release mod-entities-links v3.0.3 Quesnelia R1 2023 SP #9 ReleaseMODELINKS-290Resolved issue: MODELINKS-290
- (BF Okapi/Eureka ECS) Cannot edit authority files with source FOLIO in Settings on member tenantMODELINKS-289Resolved issue: MODELINKS-289
- Release mod-entities-links v3.1.3 Ramsons BugFix Release (R2 2024)MODELINKS-287Resolved issue: MODELINKS-287Pavlo Smahin
- Ramsons BugFix - "MARC bib" record cannot be opened after update of (>1) linked "MARC authority" records via "Data import" (add $t/remove $t/change field number)MODELINKS-286Resolved issue: MODELINKS-286Mukhiddin Yusupov
- Release mod-entities-links v3.1.2 Ramsons BugFix Release (R2 2024)MODELINKS-284Resolved issue: MODELINKS-284Viacheslav Kolesnyk
- Eureka-ECS: Unable to delete shared Marc authority record due to unknown constraintMODELINKS-282
- Subfield "9" is absent from linkable fields of MARC bib specificationMODELINKS-298Resolved issue: MODELINKS-298Viacheslav Kolesnyk
- Some "Authority files" cannot be updated in settings of Member tenant because of Optimistic locking errorMODELINKS-280Resolved issue: MODELINKS-280Khalilah Gambrell
- Deleted MARC authority record has not deleted after specified retention periodMODELINKS-279Resolved issue: MODELINKS-279Svitlana Kovalova
- Input stream not closedMODELINKS-278Resolved issue: MODELINKS-278Viacheslav Kolesnyk
- Linked bib field controlled subfield box should honor controlled MARC authority subfield order (authority control support)MODELINKS-277Resolved issue: MODELINKS-277Pavlo Smahin
- Filter full SpecificationUpdatedEvent based on specification `family` and `profile`MODELINKS-276Resolved issue: MODELINKS-276Pavlo Smahin
- Missing interface dependencies in module descriptorMODELINKS-275Resolved issue: MODELINKS-275Pavlo Smahin
- Release mod-entities-links v3.1.1 Ramsons BugFix Release (R2 2024)MODELINKS-274Resolved issue: MODELINKS-274Pavlo Smahin
- java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.folio.processing.mapping.defaultmapper.processor.parameters.MappingParameters.getLinkingRules()" because "mappingParameters" is nullMODELINKS-310Resolved issue: MODELINKS-310Pavlo Smahin
- Authority files | Add aatfg to the list of prefixes for Art & Architecture authority file.MODELINKS-272Resolved issue: MODELINKS-272Pavlo Smahin
- Update Links Generator script for Quesnelia/Ramsons releasesMODELINKS-271
- Automate manual migration of soft deleted authority recordsMODELINKS-270Resolved issue: MODELINKS-270Pavlo Smahin
- ECS | Error appears during continuously editing of Shared MARC authority recordMODELINKS-273Resolved issue: MODELINKS-273Viacheslav Kolesnyk
- Extend Authority with saft* fields having custom mappingMODELINKS-267Elena Shmygaliova
- Release mod-entities-links v3.1.0 Ramsons Release (R2 2024)MODELINKS-266Resolved issue: MODELINKS-266Pavlo Smahin
- There is no data about link created by user with assigned permissions in links collection related to the instanceMODELINKS-265Resolved issue: MODELINKS-265
- SPIKE: Records marked as ‘deleted’, but not moved to the table authority_archiveMODELINKS-264Resolved issue: MODELINKS-264
- Update module permissions in the ModuleDescriptorMODELINKS-259Resolved issue: MODELINKS-259
- MARC bib record cannot be saved when linked MARC field has empty subfield code in editable boxMODELINKS-258
- Rename source-storage.records.fetch and mapping-metadata.get module permissions and update api versionsMODELINKS-257Resolved issue: MODELINKS-257Dmytro Krutii
- API version updateMODELINKS-256Resolved issue: MODELINKS-256Pavlo Smahin
- Define $9 Subfield Specifications in MARC Bibliographic RecordsMODELINKS-255Resolved issue: MODELINKS-255Pavlo Smahin
- Fix dead link in config-doc.jsonMODELINKS-254Resolved issue: MODELINKS-254Mukhiddin Yusupov
- Instance detail view is not updated ("Source", Linked field value) when user updated linked "MARC authority" recordMODELINKS-253Resolved issue: MODELINKS-253Viacheslav Kolesnyk
- Authority control - Update authority control mapping so that bib fields also populate with authority heading subdivisionsMODELINKS-252Resolved issue: MODELINKS-252Pavlo Smahin
- Review and cleanup Module Descriptors for mod-entities-linksMODELINKS-251
- S3 connection leakedMODELINKS-249Resolved issue: MODELINKS-249Viacheslav Kolesnyk
- Extend Authority with Additional fieldsMODELINKS-248Resolved issue: MODELINKS-248Elena Shmygaliova
- Linked bib field controlled subfield box should honor controlled MARC authority subfield order (auto-linking support)MODELINKS-268Resolved issue: MODELINKS-268Pavlo Smahin
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