MARC Bib with linked fields can't be opened after update using mapping profile restrictions


Overview: MARC Bib with linked fields can't be opened after update if MARC bib record has linked fields which cannot be updated due to mapping profile settings (restrictions).
Observation: If linked fields are not matched to specified fields in mapping profile - link will be deleted during update, but subfield "$9" stays.
Steps to Reproduce:

The job profile should be created for "Data import" app: " Update MARC Bib records (* ** e)".
Match profile for it should have following specified:

  Field: 999
  Ind 1: f
  Ind 2: f
  Subfield: s

In mapping profile (it's just example, issue could be reproduced with any other combination not matched to described here ):

Click "Add field" button and input the following:
  Field: *
  In.1: *
  In.2: *
  Subfield: e.

"MARC bib" record should have at least 1 linked field with "MARC authority" record.

  1. Links to create between imported "MARC Authority" (

  1. ) and "MARC Bibliographic" (

  1. ) records: 
    The "600" MARC field with "$a" value "Black Panther" of imported "Instance" record ("Black Panther") must be linked to the "100" field of imported "MARC Authority" record ("Black Panther (Fictitious character)").

  2. Log into Snapshot FOLIO environment as User with following permissions:
    Data import: Can upload files, import, and view logs
    Inventory: All permissions
    MARC Authority: View MARC authority record
    quickMARC: Can Link/unlink authority records to bib records
    quickMARC: View, edit MARC bibliographic record
    UI: Data export module is enabled

  3. User is on "Inventory" pane with search results for "Instance" record which was linked with "MARC Authority" (ex.: "Black Panther").

  4. Check the checkbox that is displayed next to the "Instance" >> Click on the "Actions" button on the second pane and select "Export Instances (MARC)" option.

  5. Go to "Data export" app >> Download exported record by clicking on the "File name" column value.

  6. Open downloaded ".mrc" file via "MarcEdit" (or any similar app).

  7. Edit field which could be updated via "Data import" according to mapping profile.
    For example: edit subfield "$e" of "700" field with "$a Sabino, Joe,":
    from "$eletterer." to $eWriter"

  8. Save updated ".mrc" record.

  9. Go to "Data import" app and import updated ".mrc" file via created job profile "Update MARC Bib (* ** e)".

  10. Once import is complete, click on the new row with "Completed" status >> Click "Updated" hyperlink.

  11. Click on the "Actions" on the third pane >> select "Edit MARC bibliographic record" option.

Expected Results:
1) Editing window of updated "MARC Bib" is opened.
2) Record was updated: "700  1\ $a Sabino, Joe, $e writer"
3) "600" field with "$a" value "Black Panther" remains linked.

Actual Results:
1) Error toast notification is displayed with error: "Record cannot be found or loaded.".
2) Record was not updated. - you can see at "View source" pane.
3) "600" field with "$a" value "Black Panther" was unlinked. - you can see at response to the endpoint "/links/instances/<UUID>".
Note: Probably record cannot be opened because of unlinked field with saved "$9".
Additional Information: See attached screencast for clarifications:

Interested parties:  

CSP Request Details


CSP Rejection Details


Potential Workaround






TestRail: Results



Yauhen Viazau June 1, 2023 at 1:47 PM

Verified on Snapshot-1 - scenario from description works as expected

See attached screencast:






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Poppy (R2 2023)

RCA Group

Missing integration/unit test

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Poppy (R2 2023)

TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created May 25, 2023 at 2:00 PM
Updated October 11, 2023 at 7:46 PM
Resolved June 16, 2023 at 11:27 AM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs