The heading of the E-resources search results list should read "E-resources" not "Agreements"
hideTestRail: Results
Gill Osguthorpe May 20, 2019 at 1:23 PM
Righto ! Yes, we've been asked to do to bring the UX for Agreements in line with eholdings.
md331 May 20, 2019 at 12:19 PM
, not really because eholdings doesn't use SearchAndSort - the component that causes this issue for us - at all.
I've also noticed , which if we do, will resolve this issue because of the refactor required for that.
Gill Osguthorpe May 20, 2019 at 7:24 AM
, , e-holdings has something similar in place, if that's of any help.
md331 May 16, 2019 at 5:13 PM
If we wanted to sidestep this entire thing, we could have the pane subtitle read "123 e-resources found" instead of "123 records found", but I'm not really thrilled with that solution.
md331 May 16, 2019 at 5:12 PM
You're right, .
One of the annoying things about the implementation of SearchAndSort
is that it assumes that there will only ever be a single instance of it in an app. We have two instances, for agreements and e-resources.
There's a lot of frustration about the current way SearchAndSort behaves and is implemented in the Stripes community currently. Part of that is the large size of its API and the amount of props it accepts. As a result, I'm hesitant to suggest adding yet another prop that would let us pass an arbitrary string to it that can be put in the results list heading rather than the module's name. However, I'll hold my nose and suggest that's probably the best way to accomplish this. I've opened for that functionality and am marking that as a dependency for this.
The heading of the E-resources search results list should read "E-resources" not "Agreements"
Steps to Reproduce:
Tested on Folio snapshot
Open the Agreements app
Select the blue "E-resources" tab
Expected Results:
A list of e-resources are displayed with the header "E-resources"
Actual Results:
A list of e-resources are displayed with the header "Agreements"
See attached screenshot.