Ability to make custom properties deprecated


Over time the list of license terms or agreement properties that are recorded by an institution may change. However, the term values on older licenses/agreements need to be maintained. This story is to add the ability to make terms "deprecated" so that they are not displayed when adding new property values to new licenses/agreements and are displayed as "deprecated" terms when viewing licenses/agreements that have them already set.

User story statement(s):

As an ERM administrator
I want to be able to make a license term or agreement supplementary/OA property 'deprecated'
so that it can no longer be used to set a value on a license/agreement

As an ERM librarian
I want to be able to see 'deprecated' properties on a license/agreement separately to other values
so that I can easily see which properties are deprecated for my organisation


  1. Scenario:

    • Given Settings -> Licenses -> Terms

    • When I edit a term

    • Then I see the option to mark a term as "deprecated"

  2. Scenario:

    • Given Settings -> Licenses -> Terms

    • When I mark a term as deprecated and the term is not marked as a primary term

    • Then I can save the term

  3. Scenario:

    • Given Settings -> Licenses -> Terms

    • When I mark a term as deprecated and the term is marked as a primary term

    • Then I cannot save the term (i.e. it is not possible for a term to be both 'primary' and 'deprecated'

  4. Scenario:

    • Given Settings -> Licenses -> Terms

    • When I view a term

    • Then I can see whether the term is deprecated or not in the term view

  5. Scenario:

    • Given Settings -> Agreements -> Supplementary properties

    • When I edit a property

    • Then I see the option to mark a property as "deprecated"

  6. Scenario:

    • Given Settings -> Agreements -> Supplementary properties

    • When I mark a property as deprecated and the property is not marked as a primary property

    • Then I can save the property

  7. Scenario:

    • Given Settings -> Agreements -> Supplementary properties

    • When I mark a property as deprecated and the property is marked as a primary property

    • Then I cannot save the property (i.e. it is not possible for a property to be both 'primary' and 'deprecated'

  8. Scenario:

    • Given Settings -> Agreements -> Supplementary properties

    • When I view a property

    • Then I can see whether the property is deprecated or not in the property view

  9. Scenario:

    • Given a license term definition is "deprecated"

    • When I edit a license

    • Then I do not see the term as one I can add to the license in the term name dropdown

  10. Scenario:

    • Given an agreement supplementary property is "deprecated"

    • When I edit an agreement

    • Then I do not see the term as one I can add to the agreement in the supplementary property name dropdown

  11. Scenario:

    • Given an agreement OA property is "deprecated"

    • When I edit an agreement

    • Then I do not see the term as one I can add to the agreement in the OA property name dropdown

  12. Scenario:

    • Given a license has a value for a term marked as 'deprecated'

    • When I view the license terms in the Terms accordion

    • Then I see values for any deprecated properties listed at the bottom of the list of terms, with "DEPRECATED: " in front of the term name in the display

  13. Scenario:

    • Given an agreement has a value for a property (supplementary or OA) marked as 'deprecated'

    • When I view the agreement properties in the appropriate accordion

    • Then I see values for any deprecated properties listed at the bottom of the list of properties, with "DEPRECATED: " in front of the property name in the display


  • 07 Mar 2022, 09:28 AM



TestRail: Results



Ethan Freestone March 28, 2022 at 8:25 AM








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Morning Glory (R2 2022)

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Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created March 7, 2022 at 9:24 AM
Updated August 24, 2022 at 12:49 PM
Resolved August 8, 2022 at 9:12 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs