Log in to the main Kubecost server https://folio-kubecost.ci.folio.org/
How to switch to the needed cluster
Go to Switch Context:
In the new window choose the needed cluster:
Available clusters have a name (ex. folio-perf), unavailable URL only. Please use only available clusters.
Monitor Kubernetes resources
Monitor by team
Monitor AWS resources
For monitoring AWS resources go to the central Kubecost server and go to the Assets tab:
By service:
In Aggregated by choose Service:
In the filter add Label/Tag: kubernetes_cluster=*
The result will be next:
By teams:
In Aggregated by adding new parameter team:
In filters add Label/Tag team=*
The result will be next:
By team and service:
In Aggregated choose MULTI aggregation. Choose Service and team (add label if not exists).
In filters add Label/Tag team=*
The result will be next: