Lehigh enjoying the UI experience and the workflow
Chalmers 1 week away from 1 year anniversary in FOLIO
Privacy SIG trying ot get back into play, reach out to Peter Murray
Officers and members required for OLE board
ER&L is seeking proposals for sessions, Kristin suggested some FOLIO topics could be useful (submission deadline is November 11, 2020)
Question from Virginia about how much to represent FOLIO when presenting at conferences (usually institutional) related to the context of presenting on ERM at ER&L at FOLIO
chat about the costs of registration vs being a speakers (not free for presenters)
when an order is opened, a hold is placed on the item as soon as its created
the requester field could potentially be user ID
formerly free text
Hold needs a user ID to create the hold
Comments: the item needs to exist in order to have a request put on it - so this Jira is designed to make that step easier by minimizing steps
question from the chat ""Create a hold" also mean create a recall? I think this would be really good and time saving! We now have to go Inventory after having opened the order and then create the request (for us recall)."
Jack Mulvaney talked about how useful a similar feature was in Coral
Owen Stephens expresses some concerns about roles, licences, agreements...(Worried about blurred implementation of this and wants specificity in application)
Mulvaney uses Coral as a backbone of FOLIO and did not provide a problem for roles and agreements information
Virginia suggests it could be used as a workaround at Duke
fields are not repeatable (in GBV context)
Type of type is different than type of role
Most would want repeatable
The type would need to be stored in other apps in order to expand usage (but this could allow for searching/filtering)
Would not want to compromise any direct workflows (maybe for year end stats)
needs multi-select (not required multi-select but good for use)
Owen: Might tags be used?
general response is that this is NOT very usable (because they are not deletable and unreliable)
Dennis suggests the controlled vocab works as a tag
Yet, some feel that tags could be better developed if they could be deleted or used in very specific workflow scenarios