Below is a list of Lotus Bugfest items that Kitfox identified during a retro session.
Went bad
- need to improve the org. process
- Kitfox was responsible to triaging BF tickets which was not very appropriate.
- missing steps in Bugfest Action Plan
- Unclear state of fixing fse-create-tenant-backend Jenkins job
- module releases very late
- poorly tested modules spoiled and delayed the env. readiness
- Bugfest snapshot contains inconsistent data which had to be fixed manually
- insufficient resources for some modules
- Insufficient rights of POs and other stakeholders to access bugfest logs and monitoring metrics
- POs were bouncing tickets back to Kitfox without much clarification of the issue
- Lack of automation tools on Bugfest management
- too optimistic deadlines in Bugfest action plan
- Kitfox had to overtime in order to meet the deadlines
- Heterogeneous env. on Bugfest and community
- Communication issues
Went Well
- BF - finished BF issues
- Started Bugfest on time
- All stakeholders were ready to support the activity and spent enough time to resolve the issue
To Improve
- Set up a KT among teams before the start
Action Items
- Create KT pages in C/E