This document outlines the JIRA Project and Workflow used by the New Functionality Product Council Evaluation Process.
JIRA Project information
The project where New Functionality Product Council Evaluation Process submissions should be created is called Product Council Requests.
The only available issue type and one that should be used for submissions is "Task".
JIRA Workflow and Issue Statuses
DRAFT Initial status for newly created submissions.
SUBMITTED Once the submission is ready for the PC review, the submitter transitions the issue to this state.
INITIAL REVIEW Once the submission is reviewed by the Evaluator who transitions the issue to this state.
CANCELLED If the submitter decides to withdraw the submission, they transition the issue to this state. The submission may be resubmitted at a later time.
REVIEW Once the initial review is complete, the Evaluator communicates schedules a time for the submitters to present at a PC meeting and transitions the issue to this state.
APPROVED Once the evaluation results are reviewed by the PC and the submission is approved, the Evaluator transitions the issue to this state.
APPROVED WITH FOLLOW UP Once the evaluation results are reviewed by the PC, the submission is approved, and a follow up meeting is scheduled with the PC, the Evaluator transitions the issue to this state.
REJECTED Once the evaluation results are reviewed by the PC and the submission is rejected, the Evaluator transitions the issue to this state. The submitter and Product Council work together to address how criteria can be met to resubmit the request to review the new functionality.