Planning for the Tricouncil meeting/Communications Update
Proposal to hold meeting on March 7, during the PC time slot
Topics: Treasurer stepping down, need to increase participation in the councils
Are we planning to engage with members not that engaged or those more deeply engaged?
The last one we held appears to have been in 2022
Suggested candence: 2X per year, Spring/Fall?
Next Communications Update: Monday, April 22, during CC Slot
Why do we have these meetings?
To inform and get more people involved in FOLIO
We need to use email to reach out to people not engaged in Slack
Topic for TriCouncil meeting: How do we make the FOLIO project attractive to new member organizations and how do we get people involved at a deeper level?
Some ideas: using email to reach out to individuals not active in Slack
Working with colleagues for succession planning
mentoring new libraries.
Set up for the meeting:
Ask members to think about barriers to participation and a way to increase participation
People can their topics to a spreadsheet in advance of the meeting
Frequency of Tricouncil vs. individual council meetings
Some desire to have more cross-council meetings, but also concern about how large the councils are, and they would not be able to solve problems