"Epics" in the UXPROD project represent FOLIO sub-projects. The assignee = the product owner. See epic list for a detailed breakdown.
Resource and Metadata Management:
- Charlotte Whitt (Inventory - Boundwidths)
- Dennis Bridges (Acquisitions - Orders, Receiving, Finance, Organizations, Invoices)
- Joseph Reimers (Acquisitions - Orders, Receiving, Finance, Organizations, Invoices)
- Khalilah Gambrell (eHoldings, quickMARC, aka Single Marc Record Editor, MARC Authority, and MARC Holdings, Inventory search/filter)
- Christine Schultz-Richert (MARC and Elasticsearch, Open Search, Inventory search/filter)
- Owen Stephens (Agreements, Licenses, ERM Comparison, Open Access, Dashboard, Serials Management)
- Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated) (Data Import (MARC, EDIFACT, Delimited Acq/Cat data), Inventory (Business logic, UI (excluding search/filter), (On the Fly Records / Fast Add))
- Ryan Taylor (Data import)
- Annika Schröer (eResource Usage Data)
- Magda Zacharska (Metadata Export/Data export, OAI-PMH, Bulk-edit)
- Jenn Colt (SRS Search)
- Doug Loynes - BIBFRAME
- Gloria Gonzalez - BIBFRAME
Resource Access:
- Open (Fees and fines, Lost Items, Patron Blocks)
- Cheryl Malmborg (Interim) - (Loans, Check-in, Check-out, Loan information on Item Details)
- Stephanie Buck (Circulation log, Remote storage, Title Level Requests)
- Anne Ekblad (Circulation)
- Charlotte Whitt (Interim) - (Courses: MOD-CR, UI-CR)
- julie.bickle (Patron notices, Staff slips)
- Cheryl Malmborg (Loan Rules and Policies, Library Opening Hours Calendar)
- Michelle Suranofsky (NCIP: Protocol for service requests/fulfillment)
- Charlotte Whitt (Z39.50 Support MVP)
- Tim Auger (SIP2)
- Khalilah Gambrell (RTAC: provides item availability information to discovery)
User Management:
- Amelia Sutton (Users app, mod-user-import)
- Khalilah Gambrell (Local password management, Create/Reset passwords)
- Tim Auger (INN-Reach integration)
- Dennis Bridges and Joseph Reimers
- Nassib Nassar
- Charlotte Whitt (Reporting query builder app, UI-LDP)
- VBar (Analytics and Audit Data Logging for External Reporting: UXPROD-330)
Platform features
- Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated) (Tags)
- (OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee (Locations, Service Points)
- Peter Murray (Workflows, Internationalization)
- Thomas Trutt (Item State)
- Khalilah Gambrell (UX Backlog, Custom fields, Notes helper app)
- Owen Stephens (Dashboard)
- Magda Zacharska (Bulk edit, Export Manager)
- Kathleen Moore (Lists)
- Jeremy Huff (Workflows)
Data Migration:
- Ian Walls (Loaders)
- Alexander Soto (Aleph to FOLIO migration)
Platform operations
- Dev ops
- Platform