NOTE!!! This script would overwrite rule, be careful if you have any custom rules for those targets
- MODDICORE-355Getting issue details... STATUS
Scripts were created to adjust mandatory MARC-to-instance mapping rules updates for Poppy release (see - MODDICORE-347Getting issue details... STATUS )
If existing mapping rules have incorrect structure, the script will not update the rules and will specify field with an incorrect rule in the logs
Note that this script does NOT update existing Inventory Instances based on the updated mapping rules. The revised rules will only apply to Source = MARC Instances that are created or updated after the mapping changes are made. To refresh all existing instances against the updated rules, libraries will need to run a separate script. This refresh script will take a long time if the library has many instances.
Script execution
Script executable for POPPY: folio-contributors-field-mapping-rules-update-poppy.jar
java -jar folio-mapping-rules-update-poppy.jar configuration.json
In order to run the script, you need the following:
- Create JSON file with configuration (see: configuration file)
- Open terminal (Mac OS or UNIX Systems) or Power shell (Windows)
- Go to the folder where the script is located.
- Run Script with configuration file path parameter (just file name if the script is located in the same folder)
• example of an executed script - java -jar folio-contributors-field-mapping-rules-update-poppy.jar configuration.json (Should be executed with java 17)
The script does not update mapping rules for the MARC fields whose mapping has been customized by a user. In this case script will print MARC fields for which mapping rules could not be updated, and will suggest updating rules for such MARC fields manually following this guide.
Configuration File
- okapiUrl - your library okapi url. (Can be seen in the app settings → software versions → okapi services → okapi)
- tenant - admin tenant
- username - admin user name
- password - admin user name password
{ "okapiUrl": "", "tenant": "diku", "username": "diku_admin", "password": "admin" }