The following list represents outstanding FOLIO requirements (as of 1/28/2020) that are necessary for Round II libraries to implement FOLIO
All functionality implemented in Round I (aka - The Chalmers Round)
Records management
- Ability to (find and) edit single marc records and save to SRS
- Ability to export single and selected batches of marc (SRS) records
- Ability to match on predefined field(s) in marc record and replace record(s) with an imported record (subset of UXPROD-2209)
Exports for Discovery
- Include marc record with holdings and items in a format that is usable by Vufind and EDS
- Include ‘suppress’ from discovery indicator for marc and inventory records - somewhat related to
- Include ‘suppress’ indicator for holdings
- Include ‘suppress’ indicator for items
- Include effective call number
- Include effective location
- Include effective item type (from item record)
- Include inventory records (can be saved to SRS or exported directly from inventory)
- Include holdings information from 856 - URL and display text
Round III
All functionality implemented in Round II
- Ability to load 1,000,000 - 5,000,000 records in a reasonable period
- Ability to operationally load (including match, and merge) records in a reasonable period (50,000-100,000 records)
Improved Search