Refer to the Library of Congress Additional Ramsons (R2 2024) Release Notes for up-to-date information


Some BE modules only need to be enabled in some tenants:

Environment variables


Name: ECS_TLR_FEATURE_ENABLED , value: true


Name: SECURE_TENANT_ID , value: secure tenant ID


Name: SECURE_TENANT_ID , value: secure tenant ID

Potential Liquibase issues

If you’re deploying mod-tlr from scratch, there shouldn’t be any issue, but if you upgrade it from an older version, you might encounter an issue with Liquibase checksums. In order to fix you should clean Liquibase tables in mod-tlr’s DB as well as drop mod-tlr’s own tables:

delete from {TENANTID}_mod_tlr.databasechangelog;
delete from {TENANTID}_mod_tlr.databasechangeloglock;
drop table {TENANTID}_mod_tlr.ecs_tlr;
drop table {TENANTID}_mod_tlr.tlr_settings;


Add new variable enableEcsRequests: true, to platform-completestripes.config.jsconfig.

Secure tenant

Secure tenant is a non-central tenant that will be used for handling secure requests.

It should be a separate tenant with the property security=true set as described here

As mentioned in the Back end section, in LoC-like environments, Secure tenant should be the only one where mod-requests-mediated module is enabled.

Manual set-up after deployment