<5 mins | Introductions | |
| Call Priorities |
- Progress / Impediments:
- New unknowns:
- Help or input needed:
- ETA for review:
- What progress or impediment on previously stated actions?
- What's left to do?
- Any new unknowns?
- What help or input is needed?
- When expected to be ready for review?
| In Progress - Progress / Impediments:
- New unknowns:
- Help or input needed:
- ETA for review:

- Progress / Impediments:
- Input from JC to fix scrolling
- Jump links don't work
- however, scrollable div means that load all is still visible at top
- agreed to drop jump links
- ETA for review: today
| Pending - ISSUE
- Blocking conditions
- Action needed
- Are the blocking conditions still relevant?
- What action is needed to unblock, and by whom?
- Who / When:
- ETA Ready for Dev:
- Who needs to be involved in the elaboration process?
- What is the timeframe for getting input?
- When is the issue expected to be ready for development?
- Who is picking up what next?
- When is next issue expected to start / complete?
- Anything needed to start next issue (dependencies or clarifications)?
| BlockedNeeds Elaboration / TriageSprint Backlog - Next UpAllocations- Claudia:
 - Ethan:
| At Risk - What is now at risk of not being started this sprint?
- Do any of these take priority over other sprint backlog items?
| Sprint Backlog - to follow - Progress / Impediments:
- some questions to take to users
- OS to discuss with GBV
- Martina to set up call
- To take forward separate (out of scope) to ERM-2630
- align new logging with existing jobs
- followed by title ingest refactoring
- update ERM-2631 with summary from conversation notes
- New unknowns: NA
- Help or input needed:
- Developer workflow / reset environments (from Ian)
- further discussion needed about how to implement
- needed for ERM-2631

Sprint Backlog - At Risk Removed |
| In Review - Any impediments to review or QA?
- Any useful context, implementation choices or limitations for the reviewer/tester to know ?
| |
| Release Candidates - What has passed QA since last dev call?
- What has been closed since last dev call?
| For Release Pending TestrailsClosed: Poppy R2023.2Stories / BugsMaintenance / TasksRelease TasksClosed: Orchid R2023.1 BugfixRelease TasksClosed (No ERM Release) |
| New Issues Added to sprintNot added to sprintOtherComponent UpdatesRelease PlanningTestingSecurity |