Recordings are posted Here (2022+) and Here (pre-2022) Slack channel for Q&A, discussion between meetings
Requirements details Here Additional discussion topics in Subgroup parking lot
Attendees: Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated) Monica Arnold Raegan Wiechert Christie Thomas Taylor Smith Jennifer Eustis Jenn Colt Lynne Fors Dung-Lan Chen Jeanette Kalchik
Current development (Orchid)
- No meeting Weds 15 Feb
- A-M will send cancellation - DONE
- Log Subgroup
- Finished first round of work yesterday
- Will summarize and organize in the next couple weeks, then present to the DI Subgroup to discuss
- Some small changes may be Orchid bugfixes; other changes will be in Poppy
- Importing to create orders
- Specific fields
- Funds
- Do you expect to map fund data from incoming MARC field/subfield, or default into the field mapping profile, or both?
- Almost always mapped from the incoming MARC, but sometimes defaulted in the profile
- If so, would that data be
- Fund code - YES
- Fund name - NO
- Fund name (code) - NO
- A-M: Add task for mapping fund code:

- A-M: Make field mapping UI change to show name (code) in edit and view screens

- Expense classes
- Do you expect to map expense class data from incoming MARC field/subfield, or default into the field mapping profile, or both?
- Almost always mapped from the incoming MARC, but sometimes defaulted in the profile
- If so, would that data be
- Expense class code - YES
- Expense class name - NO
- Expense class name (code) - NO
- A-M: Add task for mapping expense class:

- A-M: Make field mapping UI change to show name (code) in edit and view screen

- Vendor
- Do you expect to map vendor data from incoming MARC field/subfield, or default into the field mapping profile, or both? Both
- If so, would that data be
- Vendor code - YES
- Vendor name - NO
- Vendor name (code) - NO
- What about Material supplier - handle the same as Vendor
- What about Access provider - handle the same as Vendor
- A-M Add task for mapping Vendor, Material supplier, Access provider:

- Account number
- Do you expect to map account number data from incoming MARC field/subfield, or default into the field mapping profile, or both?
- Most don't use account numbers in their MARC data; some do
- If mapped, is it OK for FOLIO to assume that the data would match an account number associated with the organization record?
- Doesn't matter, per the FOLIO Acq devs - FOLIO doesn't validate account number. whatever was in the mapped field would be put into the Account number field of the POL
- A-M: Add task to confirm account number mapping logic:

- Christie will check with a UAT test, to confirm no errors or problems unopening orders with random account data
- Questions about last week's homework? Add test details and sample files to Google Drive
- Please aim to add at least 1 test before 8 February
- A-M will change tests 1 and 2 to not map data for fund, expense class, vendor; then add tests to map those values, then hopefully a few more tests
- Aiming to start this UAT Weds 8 Feb
- Inventory Single Record Import - Selecting profiles UAT
Upcoming meetings/agenda topics:
- No meeting Weds 15 February
- Import log changes and bugfixes
- Gather more samples for multiple holdings/items
- Match profiles - wiki documentation for most commonly used, tips & tricks
Christie Thomas (she/her) to Everyone 1:12 PM
Fund code
Jennifer Eustis (she/her) to Everyone 1:12 PM
Fund Code
Jenn Colt to Everyone 1:12 PM
Right now default
Leeda Adkins to Everyone 1:16 PM
I think Duke plans not to use expense classes
Lynne Fors to Everyone 1:27 PM
Yes, keep the UI the same throughout
Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 1:28 PM
Yes, makes sense to be consistent!
Christie Thomas (she/her) to Everyone 1:31 PM
That is definitely the case here at Chicago. We use the code.
Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 1:32 PM
vendor code makes sense!
Jennifer Eustis (she/her) to Everyone 1:32 PM
Code would be better
Kimberly Wiljanen to Everyone 1:32 PM
Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 1:36 PM
not for us at the moment
Christie Thomas (she/her) to Everyone 1:37 PM
I don't think so. We have the account numbers coming from the vendor and we map if that is the case, but we ignore if not present.
+1 Jenn. Maybe we should have a UAT for this scenario to make sure that it does not matter?
Jennifer Eustis (she/her) to Everyone 1:42 PM
It's important for invoices - the accounting code linked to the account number
Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 2:00 PM
Thanks, Ann Marie, I have to jump off for a reference shift!!
Jennifer Eustis (she/her) to Everyone 2:03 PM
I have to jump off for another meeting. Thanks Ann-Marie.
Jenn Colt to Everyone 2:03 PM
Looking at the default ISRI is very helpful if you are going to make your own, especially if you need to update source folio and source Marc in different cases
Christie Thomas (she/her) to Everyone 2:04 PM
I have another meeting. See you next week.
Jenn Colt to Everyone 2:05 PM
Field protections!