

XSharon BeltaineCornell University
Peter MurrayIndex Data

Elizabeth BerneyDuke University
Erin NettifeeDuke University

Joyce ChapmanDuke University
Karen NewberyDuke University

Elizabeth EdwardsUniversity of ChicagoXTod OlsonUniversity of Chicago
XClaudius Herkt-JanuschekSUB Hamburg
Scott PerryUniversity of Chicago
XDoreen HeroldLehigh University
Robert SassQulto

Anne L. HighsmithTexas A&MXSimona TabacaruTexas A&M

Vince BareauEBSCO
Mark VekslerEBSCO

Harry KaplanianEBSCOXKevin WalkerThe University of Alabama
XIngolf Kusshbz
Charlotte WhittIndex Data

Lina LakhiaSOAS

Michael Winkler

XJoanne LearyCornell University
Uschi KluteGBV
XMichael PatrickThe University of AlabamaXHolly MistlebauerCornell University

Nassib NassarIndex DataXAngela Zoss

Duke University

XVeit KöppenUniversity Magdeburg                Anna KnyazevaNew attendee

Discussion items

Assign Notetaker, Take Attendance, Review agendaSharon

Today's notetaker: Kevin Walker

Last week's notetaker: Angela Zoss

Reporting Point PersonSharon

Sharon will open a discussion on the need for identifying a Reporting Point Person for each institution

  • Need one person from each institution to review all reports from that institution and work internally within institution to address questions
  • When reports needed are similar across multiple institutions, institutions should work together to flesh out queries. Add your institution's name, and notes about any variations on original specifications
Report Prototype SubgroupSharon, Nassib, Kevin, Tod, Angela

Update from group on experiences with connecting to the FOLIO reporting database to test out building the loan report from BIRT, Tableau, Aqua Data Studio, R, Access, and possibly other applications (Excel).

  • Testing connections to the data warehouse via multiple reporting tools
    • Mapping blind spots of each tool
    • Developing stress tests that utilize substantial data sets (e.g., 100K users and 100 user groups)
  • Report documentation
    • So far, have documentation for Aqua Data Studio, R, Tableau, and BIRT
  • Github repository for reports, queries, and analytical code:
  • Results of apps tested so far, and documentation of those results in Report Prototypes folder
User Management Reporting Requirements Gap AnalysisAllThe SIG will discuss User Management reports with an eye on identifying reports that are missing in this area. A workgroup will be meeting to discuss this in more detail.
FOLIO Export Function for TablesHolly

Holly will demo (using and we will discuss the Export Function for Tables in FOLIO, as it relates to reporting.  The Export Function is currently available for Open Loans and Closed Loans (see undergrad Wiza as example). In the Q4 2018 release it will be available for Requests.  Coming soon for Fees/Fines as well (see graduate Tromp and attached examples of Fees/Fines History, Fee/Fine Details and CSV export file).  This is in addition to what we are calling in-app reports.

  • Separate JIRA tickets for each application (e.g., loans, fees/fines, etc.)
  • Fees/Fines still has a bug, related to payment actions that do not currently show in the fine history for patrons
  • Export functionality is working, but there is not currently a button for triggering this functionality
  • Need for consistent implementation of export functionality across all applications
In-App ReportsHolly

Holly will discuss some updates on the development of in-app report functionality, and will ask some questions about in app report requirements.

  • At today's RA SIG meeting Holly will be reminding members to review RA and UM reports on reporting spreadsheet and reach out to their Reporting SIG member to add reports (see agenda item here). 
  • Holly has created a draft document explaining the history of and difference between in-app and data warehouse reports.  Please review the document and add your comments.  After the document is completed Holly will turn it into a Reporting wiki page.
    • Holly asks that Reporting SIG members to review this document
  • Emma is developing first in-app report so we (Emma, Cate, Sharon, and I) are meeting with Filip this week to discuss in-app report design questions.  We will report back at next week's Reporting SIG meeting.
  • Sharon asked Holly to review the real-time data Resource Access dwreports to see if any are possible in-app report candidates.
    • ID447 is already an in-app report so Holly closed REP-138 as a duplicate and linked ID447 to UXPROD-931
    • ID474 seems like an on-line feature (not a report) that everyone would want to have.  (It's not marked as real-time, but Holly noticed it above ID475.)
    • ID475 as described doesn't seem useful.  Does it really contain everything currently checked out from circ desk?  Is there a better way to produce what library is looking for?  Everything checked out by faculty that just became overdue?  Reserve items?  2-hour/2-day loans?
    • Other RA reports requiring real-time data fall into 2 categories
      • They combine real-time FOLIO data with Ares data (the reports are scattered throughout this page)
      • They are not actually reports (see ID450 and ID451)
  • When new reports are added to the spreadsheet they need to be reviewed as possible in-app report candidates.  Holly is in the process of reviewing reports recently added by Scott Perry on behalf of UChicago.
  • Sharon will create another worksheet for "reporting functionality"
Prioritizing Your Institution's ReportsSharon Beltaine

In order to determine the order in which we will prototype our reports for the development of data models for the data warehouse, we need to prioritize them within each functional area (e.g., RM, RA, etc.). Please see the Prioritizing Reports page in the wiki for detailed instructions.

  • review status of progress, discuss any issues and how to address them

Assigning Yourself to JIRA ReportsHolly Mistlebauer

Holly walked us through the process of assigning ourselves to our reports in the FOLIO JIRA System. Instructions are provided on this wiki page, which will also contain other JIRA info:  Working on a JIRA Issue

  • review status of progress, discuss any issues and how to address them

Topics for Future Meetings


Review and update Topics for Future Reporting SIG Meetings

  • December 17: Annika Schröer from the ERM eUsage Subgroup will provide a demonstration of the eUsage app and discuss reporting needs related to this endeavor. See JIRA ticket UXPROD-576 for more information.
Other Topics?AllAny other topics to discuss today?

Action items