Zoom Meeting Info

usually the second Wednesday of the month, 10am -11am EST / 16-17 CET / Time Zone Converter


Meeting ID: 896 3760 4553
Passcode: FOLIO Meetings with Zoom

Attendees: Katharina Jung Martina Tumulla Amanda Ros Lucy Harrison Wilhelmina Randtke emily.semenoff@colorado.edu Franziska Wich Laurence Mini Emma Raub Aaron Neslin Alissa Hafele Lisa Lorenzo


note taker for today: Emily Semenoff

Next meeting is on Okt 9th - note taker: Molly Driscoll


Introduction new writers:

Franziska Wich - Serials

Wilhelmina Randtke - Consortium Manager

Open actions last meetingsAll

Aaron: Draft flow chart (as JPG or JPG2) - Miro Board

  • added some changes since last meeting
  • going to clean chart up a bit more - October due date
  • where chart will live under Resources TBD
    • create new Onboarding section?


  • Topic documentation archive + navigation in the different releases still open
  • Finding a new place for "Install FOLIO", e.g. in GitHub open
  • Contact to Julian concerning Docsy Upgrade still ongoing
Content for WOLFcon slotKatharina

date: Thursday  9/26/2024 11:30am London Time = 6:30am EST

moderation: Katharina remotely + Martina local

speakers: Christine Tobias, Emily Semenoff

Google folder: and presentation:

  • Christine will speak on using documentation for training
  • Emily will speak on other uses for documentation
  • Katharina/Martina will moderate/speak on WG and how to volunteer
  • slides starting to be added to Google folder - should be ready by Sept. 18
Writer responsibility question

How often is documentation edited? Can writers edit any section or can they only edit their own section?

  • Changes to documentation mainly made right before a release, but minor edits are made in between releases.
  • Writers are responsible for a certain section. If there are any documentation concerns/updates, Slack is the easiest way to contact the relevant representative (table found here).
  • Katharina considering other ways for people to submit feedback/suggestions for documentation
Jira (policy)Katharina

Who uses Jira?

  • Most meeting attendees use Jira

For which reasons?

  • because it was recommended
  • to track changes
  • to check assigned tickets

Is Jira too big for the smaller sections? Do we need every change in Jira?

  • something to consider

How to deal with old/open tickets?

  • Tickets start with "doc"
  • Develop a Jira policy or not?
  • Should there be some indication of which writers are active in Jira on the membership table?
  • Helpful if notified by Slack if something needs to be updated. Assigned tickets can get lost in Jira.
  • For old tickets, reach out to authors of tickets to see if they're still relevant?
  • Create small group to go through/watch old tickets? Or better for individual writers to search for their own areas?
    • Potential problem with doing it individually is that there may be tickets that don't fit into one specific area
  • Discuss open tickets in November meeting

Ramsons due date

Ramsons public release is planned for Dec 16.

Ramsons documentation deadline as ever 1 week before: Dec 9 is the aim