Move holdings and item

Purpose: When transferring holdings and items any existing relationships should be retained -

Use cases

1) There is established relationship between a POL in the Order app, and a given holdings record via app interaction Order <>Inventory.
2) There is established relationship between a POL in the Order app, and a given item record via app interaction Order <>Inventory.
3) There is established relationship between a patron request and an item record in a holdings record. If the Item record is transferred to another holdings record, the Request link to the given item record must be retained.
4) Loans on a given item record is to retained, so the loan history is persistent (to be described further - Cheryl Malmborg , Holly Mistlebauer 


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Follow up work defined:

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Deletion of instances


Enable the user to delete an Instance. 

Expected behavior

Slide deck from an old UX presentation at MM-SIG 2018-10-04:

Technical documentation

Technical backend note: The Inventory database has constraints defined on Instance, HoldingsRecord and Item to prevent deletion of entities with dependent records. The database will throw an exception if such a delete is attempted, as a last backstop - see:


Tech lead documentation: Deletion of core-module records may leave dangling references from non-core modules

Out of scope

  1. Prevent delete-all (wipe all data in Inventory).

Use cases

Complete list of use cases for when deletion of instances are relevant.

Topic for the group to discuss:

What do we mean with deletion of the instance:

  1. Will the instance be deleted from the database?
  2. Will the instance stay in the data base but flagged as a deleted record (can the instance then later be retrieved again, if the user regret the action, and want to roll back the deletion)?
  3. Will FOLIO offer the implementing libraries to choose the wanted behavior - so either solution 1) or 2)?


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