Purpose: When transferring holdings and items any existing relationships should be retained - https://docs.google.com/document/d/16iF5VxRPNVeVE7CVaLi8I9WYpz6RnYzE6iLUPvOCUA4/edit#heading=h.v4stg3pbhaa3
1) There is established relationship between a POL in the Order app, and a given holdings record via app interaction Order <>Inventory.
2) There is established relationship between a POL in the Order app, and a given item record via app interaction Order <>Inventory.
3) There is established relationship between a patron request and an item record in a holdings record. If the Item record is transferred to another holdings record, the Request link to the given item record must be retained.
4) Loans on a given item record is to retained, so the loan history is persistent (to be described further - Cheryl Malmborg , Holly Mistlebauer
The work is captured in:
Umbrella issue:
Follow up work defined:
Jira | Product owner | Development team | Planned release |
Thunderjet | None | ||
Thor | None | ||
Vega | None | ||
Vega | None |
Enable the user to delete an Instance.
Slide deck from an old UX presentation at MM-SIG 2018-10-04: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1iv1qM2T1uHCOx8vLAAJfmX-439ENNP7uo4yQJM8mubE/edit#slide=id.g438c473a97_0_0
Technical backend note: The Inventory database has constraints defined on Instance, HoldingsRecord and Item to prevent deletion of entities with dependent records. The database will throw an exception if such a delete is attempted, as a last backstop - see:
Tech lead documentation: Deletion of core-module records may leave dangling references from non-core modules
Complete list of use cases for when deletion of instances are relevant.
What do we mean with deletion of the instance:
The work is captured in: