There are 6 commonly used logging levels:
Production level to use on daily basis: INFO
Development and testing environments: DEBUG
Log levels are changed on demand for issue investigation, but there should be monitoring set up to check if excessive levels are used for a long time (since it can significantly increase the cost of log processing, transfer and storage and also application performance and resource consumption)
This section contains recommendations about what must and what must not be contained in log messages
There should be no messages like "Start processing", "Exiting". Messages must always contain parameters/indicators to link with processes or entities
public Future<Boolean> deleteByJobExecutionId(String jobExecutionId, String tenantId) { LOGGER.debug("Trying to delete row from the {} table by jobExecutionId = {}", JOURNAL_RECORDS_TABLE, jobExecutionId); |
Controller endpoints or methods containing business must have at least two messages:
This should be treated carefully to avoid excessive logging: if the method is simple, or does not require logging (everything is logged in nested methods for example) skip this recommendation. Common layered architecture of a service contains controllers, services and repositories (generated and hand-written). Methods of these classes are a good place to log enter/exit.
public int sumWithCondition(int a, int b, int cond) { LOGGER.debug("sumWithCondition:: parameters a: {}, b: {}, cond: {}", a, b, cond); int sumResult; if (a > cond) {"sumWithCondition:: a > cond"); sumResult = a + b; } else {"sumWithCondition:: a <= cond"); sumResult = cond + b; }"sumWithCondition:: result: {}", sumResult); return sumResult; } |
This can not be directly applied to reactive-style methods, returning Future objects. In this case, the logging should be done in the code which sets Future result, e.g. add logging for onSuccess and ensure there is error logging for onFailure.
Branching conditions and decisions need to be logged at INFO/DEBUG levels
private CompletableFuture<Optional<MappingParameters>> loadMappingParametersSnapshot(String jobExecutionId, OkapiConnectionParams params) { LOGGER.debug("loadMappingParametersSnapshot:: Trying to load MappingParametersSnapshot by jobExecutionId '{}' for cache, okapi url: {}, tenantId: {}", jobExecutionId, params.getOkapiUrl(), params.getTenantId()); return RestUtil.doRequest(params, "/mapping-metadata/"+ jobExecutionId, HttpMethod.GET, null) .toCompletionStage() .toCompletableFuture() .thenCompose(httpResponse -> { if (httpResponse.getResponse().statusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {"loadMappingParametersSnapshot:: MappingParametersSnapshot was loaded by jobExecutionId '{}'", jobExecutionId); return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Optional.of(Json.decodeValue(httpResponse.getJson().getString("mappingParams"), MappingParameters.class))); } else if (httpResponse.getResponse().statusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND) { LOGGER.warn("loadMappingParametersSnapshot:: MappingParametersSnapshot was not found by jobExecutionId '{}'", jobExecutionId); return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Optional.empty()); } else { String message = String.format("loadMappingParametersSnapshot:: Error loading MappingParametersSnapshot by jobExecutionId: '%s', status code: %s, response message: %s", jobExecutionId, httpResponse.getResponse().statusCode(), httpResponse.getBody()); LOGGER.warn(message); return CompletableFuture.failedFuture(new CacheLoadingException(message)); } }); } } |
In case of expected (handled) exception, there must be a WARN level log message.
Exceptions must never be logged without stack trace
try { .... if (StringUtils.isBlank(id)) { LOGGER.warn("Can't retrieve JobExecutionSourceChunk by empty id."); return promise.future().map(Optional.empty()); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.warn("Error loading JobExecutionSourceChunk by id: '{}'", id, ex); return Future.failedFuture(ex); } |
Try to avoid logging exceptions at ERROR level if you have handled and processed it in your business code.
API controllers' advices/wrappers should catch and log all exceptions not handled by business code and log them using ERROR level. This allows to set up log monitoring and investigate all exceptions leading to HTTP 500 code returns from API.
Often there are periodically scheduled jobs running inside the service.
Those jobs could follow the following logging approach:
This section describes proposals for logging objects to avoid excessive logging.
If the list can only contain a reasonably small amount of elements and they are not big objects, the list can be logged "as-is". Otherwise list should display number of elements.
If possible there should be a branch for logging all list contents at TRACE level (with mandatory log level check before creating log message from list). Still keep and eye on the size of the log message you produce.
List<User> userList = reply.result().getResults(); userList.size() < 3 ? logger.debug("Existing users: {}", userList) : logger.debug("Number of existing users: {}", userList.size()); if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { printFirstNElementsFromList(10, userList); } ... private void printFirstNElementsFromList(int numberElements, List listForPrint) { .... } |
Big objects should not be logged "as-is". If there's a need to log such an object, consider creating local wrapper, redefining toString() method within it, so it only contains most useful data from the object (id, referenced id's, maybe state)
Example |
Avoid logging sensitive information, instead use masking for
If sensitive data or part of it is required to troubleshoot, it should be tagged in log with a special token. It will allow to mask/remove those messages after they are no longer required or to limit access to logs, containing those tags.
Masking example from RMB:
/** * Log postgreSQLClientConfig. */ @SuppressWarnings("squid:S2068") // Suppress "Credentials should not be hard-coded" // "'password' detected in this expression". // False positive: Password is configurable, here we remove it from the log. private void logPostgresConfig() { if (! log.isInfoEnabled()) { return; } JsonObject passwordRedacted = postgreSQLClientConfig.copy(); passwordRedacted.put(PASSWORD, "...");"postgreSQLClientConfig = {}", passwordRedacted.encode()); } |
Log messages must also contain additional data such as:
More information is available here: Folio logging solution
This data should not be explicitly put to log messages by developers. Instead there should be MDC (or VertX analog) properly configured and log pattern must contain all the data.
To avoid unnecessary work during log message creation for disabled log levels: