We expect to have something in the range $150,000 - $200,000 to spend in FY24 by not having a centrally funded developer and the successful efforts by the TC to lower AWS costs.
PC thoughts:
Product Owner for an area lacking one or a Product Owner Coordinator for a set of POs, to help work with Khalilah and other POs with less percentage of time devoted to product, to help coordinate work across teams and keep the PC and Roadmap informed about new developments. We did have some further conversations about the definition of a product owner, and whether a product owner could exist without a development team. Need to follow up on the whole concept of Product Ownership and how it works when a product owner is community-contributed (or paid for by the project), but the dev team is private. What happens if priorities clash? I think that's a separate conversation.
Money to an institution so they could support a development wrangler/coordinator/advocate: someone who can coordinate and help assign individuals developers who have time contributed from different institutions. Marc Johnson shared that a similar idea came up at the TC. He wasn't actually that enthusiastic about the idea, but we think such a role could help expand community contributions, because it is discouraging to institutions who want to donate some of their developer's time to be turned away because of onboarding and coordination. We think if we can encourage more community contribution, that could also create a positive feedback loop and encourage further development. The Support SIG liaison was enthusiastic about this idea too, as many these developers could pick up bugs that have been languishing as P3 or P4.
This is from the Roadmap Group: funding for Airtable or other prioritization tool, though we are still waiting for an exact quote.