what types of things that need to be seen across funds
while expense classes are used within funds
expense classes allows for some flexibility (year to year)
selectors vs patrons
still using liaisons - this structure needs to be represented
but if after 2 years, something could change and thus the structure could easily adapt to reflect the changing fund ecology
this way, funds get tracked - while groups allow for tracking across funds
mentioned Thunderjet (testing instance)
1 ledger or 2 ledgers
operational or restricted
these two things (operational or restricted) need to be seen in the same place
instead of splitting these, grouping allows to view together
there are a lot of groups - but this allows for the flexibility and to answer questions most likely asked
question Kristin M from chat ("When you say restricted, are these endowed funds with restrictions on what you can spend them on?")
caps for spending can be added (names & amount can be added to help manage amounts spent)
Again, trying to draw out, and distinguish what needs to be tracked across funds vs what needs to be tracked within funds
ref: streaming one-time licenses or perpetual streaming licences
question about where an order gets connected
humanities, streaming, etc, where would order info get attached
but, is moving to multidisciplinary model for streaming materials (rather than being tethered to specific disciplines)
testing can be done in thunderjet (updated as of 22 October 2020)
demo in thunderjet instance
adding fund IDs
Would love to see space used better for GROUPS in the Finance App
Q: Michael from Alabama:
likes the grouping
Are some of the groups actually larger groups (to create relationships between groups)?
Some groups are in a hierarchy (there needs to be a way to see these relationships
wants to be able to view relationships w/o having to go out and search for everything
This needs to be managed at the group level
the hierarchy needs to be better represented
from Kristin M in chat ("You might need to name your groups based on hierarchy")
Dennis B from chat (" have started working on a feature for organizing groups. see here for more info :)
Getting issue details...STATUS
from chat ("Michael is referring to
Getting issue details...STATUS
which aims to expose the “Initial allocation” number and reorganize the budget values so they are easier to read and follow")
sometimes tags could be used - but some folks want to search by selector
or is it preferred to use group or fund?
DB: (suggests there may be a feature to add a user to a fund) <needs to verify>
does that selector need to have money directly allocated (or to use a larger fund that multiple selectors use)
wants to use a URL to pass to people who need to dig into the data
Is the descriptions being used to describe funds (such as gift funds)?
or is it a note?
some descriptions for gift and endowment funds are long and are pushing the descriptive info down (expandable view?) (trying to use screen real estate better)
some comments about budgets and years (specific years)
some notes need to carry over while some are tied to s specific year
how to manage or interact with these notes will vary
liaisons get swapped around in departments sometimes
group 1 or group 2 (hierarchical groups to use the hierarchy for efficiency)