potential changes:
- react 17 BREAKING (Priority = 1)
- What's the work?
- Who needs to be involved?
- Deadline to make sure we do not muck up Kiwi development?
- Do we need someone to help coordinate dependencies/work?
- Define relationship and expectations with security team
- Determine security vulnerability threshold - development
- Determine security vulnerability threshold - production
- Storybook upgrade - security vulnerability
- Identify a new storybook owner
- Get agreement from Filip/Rasmus
- local resource with redux, recoil, whatever
- rxjs 6 BREAKING (Priority = 2)
- node-15/node-16/npm-7 (Hold for Lotus R12022)
- encourage people to go this route with
- put ourselves in a position to drop
by 2022-R1?
- encourage people to go this route with
- webpack v5?
- focus management
- migrate stripes-components off BigTest OG (Priority = 3)