Initial things (Proper writeup to follow)
- profiles are gone, use create-plugin or create-restapi from grails CLI (Steve says create-restapi may be best for plugins, with a changed up publishing block...?)
- Versions used
- Grails version 6.1.1
- Gradle version 7.6.3
- Java version 17.0.6-tem
- Groovy version 3.0.11
- Move everything except gitignore and README from grails cli into a "service" directory, since this is the shape our modules are previously
- In build.gradle
- Comment out "application" block
- Comment out java sourceCompatibility block
- Copy across
- Group
- Plugins/repositories
- Configurations
- "Custom deps" which definitely don't intefere with the bootstrapped grails 6 deps
- Buildscript
- ./gradlew clean to check everything builds
- Then work through dependencies in original app, cross referencing to new app's ones, and vice versa. Make changes, additions and comment out unnecessary ones
- It is IMPORTANT to do this in both directions. There may be newer grails 6 dependencies that supercede older ones, so go through line by line in the "core" deps list and try to understand whether a dependency is missing because it's been superceded, or included because it's now no longer drawn in automatically via other deps etc etc.
- The "custom dependencies" list can likely be pulled over verbatim though.
- Possible exceptions
- move spring-security core into the "proper" dependencies block and bump version up to grails version (6.1.1... can use implementation("org.grails.plugins:spring-security-core:${grailsVersion}")). Was in place to handle security issues present in grails 5
- make sure web-toolkit and grails okapi are on grails6 versions (TBD on release)
- MAKE SURE you copy across the profile declaration. This is no longer supplied by the CLI, so we need to make sure its there.
- On that note, delete the grails cli yaml file
- Copy over bootJar.enabled stuff and eclipse block
- May need to remove anything referencing configScript, as this appears to have been removed
- AT THIS STAGE, it may be beneficial to copy across the .git dir, and to set up a branch for your changes
- Copy over grails-app directories one by one, and also src folder and anything else that has been removed
- For apps
- Copy across everything but the grailsVersion and grailsGradlePluginVersion from existing repo (ENSURE that groovy version lines up though)