Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
1 min | Scribe | All | Dennis Benndorf is next in the list, followed by Zak Burke |
5-10 min | Review outstanding action items | All | |
3 min | Council Goals/Objectives | All | Follow-up from previous meetings... Previous notes: From Mike Gorrell:
Update from Tod Olson? Can we set a deadline for having something ready for the TC to review and discuss? |
3 min | Upgrade/Migration Script Performance | Quick update from Raman Auramau? Action Items with deadlines? | |
15-20 min | New Module Technical Evaluation Previously: "External Code Submissions" |
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15-20 min | Technical Decision Making Process | This is a carry-over from last week.
Additional Context: For Today:
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Time permitting | TC charter review | All |
Action items
- Craig McNally to create a place on the wiki where we can capture meeting rules/policies, how meetings are run, how agendas are formed, etc. - by 11/17
- Tod Olson , Jeremy Huff , Anton Emelianov (Deactivated) to connect on the cross-council group for defining the larger process for new module acceptance - no clear deadline defined, but effectively should happen by 11/17
- Jakub Skoczen and Stripes Architecture to devise a transition plan for auth token expiration, adoption of refresh tokens, etc. - no clear deadline defined, but soon given that some of this is tentatively scheduled for Lotus
- Craig McNally , Zak Burke , Jakub Skoczen , Raman Auramau to discuss the formation of an executive TC group for forming meeting agendas and how it might work - no clear deadline defined
- Tod Olson to define a deadline for having a set of Goals/Objectives ready for the TC to review and discuss - by 11/17