Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
5 min | Welcome Mark Deutsch | TC | Mark Deutsch will be taking Mike Gorrell's spot on the TC |
20 min | Expectations for Testing items | Anton | Create a unified list of expectations relative to testing items that should be part of Definition of Done (note Anton Emelianov (Deactivated)is preparing a recommendation to be reviewed on 2021-03-31) Anton presented a slide deck. Our current process is that development is done in a scratch environment; Story acceptance is done within a reference environment; manual testing is done within the bugfest testing. This results in 1 regression run every 3-4 months. Proposed process: Manual test cases get created along with the story, with manual testing done on the scratch environment. Backend and front end unit tests, and karate/postman tests, UI Smoke Test, Cover Test Debt TCs with Automation will all be done within the scratch environment. These things will be done prior to merging a PR. After the merger of the PR, within the reference environment, performance test, automated UI smoke test, karate and postman regression suites will be run. Within bugfest additional manual testing and bug fixes will take place. |
30 min | Set the stage for Spring Way discussion | TC | Status of Spring Way (can leverage this discussion to determine the process for approving new technology) |
5 min | Volunteers for Future TC Meetings | TC | |