Drew potential comparisons to Linux -but that only goes so far
Are there dependencies on "labels" as well as (or opposed to) UUIDs for some data (like a status or an identifier type) - we think both are likely
Need to preserve the idea that some values need to be immutable
Need further discussion. Major point is that the difference between data that can be modified and that which should not is not clear.
15 Min
How to get new/different things added to CI/CD Pipeline
Discuss timing and process of this request to have a "Go" language module added to the FOLIO CI/CD pipeline:
Getting issue details...STATUS
1) What's the process: Can't decide today. Need to consider later. Mike G will reach out to others outside of the meeting.
Both for new modules as well as new technology (languages, frameworks, databases, etc.)
2) Should we ask people to accommodate in Goldenrod timeframe? Consensus is NO.