- Anya
- Sharon Wiles-Young
- Kirstin Kemner-Heek
- Paul Moeller
- Aaron Trehub
- Tod Olson
- Jana Freytag
- Gang Zhou
- Alexis Manheim
- twliu
- John Ballestro
- Martina Tumulla
- Martina Schildt
- Owen Stephens
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
5 min | Announcements | All |
5 min | Elections for Product Council | Kristin Martin | The following PC members will be staying on for a two-year term: Jesse Koennecke Anya Arnold will be stepping down with Brooks continuing as the EBSCO representative. Nominations the next PC will begin on May 6. There will be 5 seats. All other current PC members may run again for a two-year term, and new people can be nominated too. The Community Council will be running the process. |
5 min | WOLFCon updates | Kristin Martin | WOLFcon registration is OPEN! FOLIO Session planning: Deadline May 6 |
60 min | Community Council, Technical Council, Product Owners, Capacity Planning updates | From Capacity Planning: Lotus was released, Morning Glory is in full swing! Community Council - Kirstin
Technical CouncilTechnical Reviews: UI for March Authorities approved, review of UI for user bulk edit is in progress. Review of Translation app has resulted in a deeper look at how we do translations in FOLIO and an RFC scoped to the back end. Subgroups: New Module Technical Evaluation: updating acceptance criteria, removing some non-technical requirements. It seems a good time for some coordination with the cross-council FOLIO Scope Criteria group. Technical Decision Making: Reviving the RFC process, but will also need a mechanism for decisions that aren't suitable for RFC. Also discussing balance of consistency vs flexibility in implementation. Want dev teams to consider deeply how specific solutions interact with the rest of FOLIO. TC Goals & Objectives: soliciting technical pain points from SysOps and technical parts of FOLIO; use this to look for root causes and to prioritize responses. Goal is to drive some technical topics at WOLFcon. Product Owners | |
5 min | Agenda planning |