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Requirement questions: Linking bib field and authority record

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ScenarioNolana release proposed requirement - Expected behavior WRT linked bib fields Future release requirementComments
Create new MARC bib record (in batch)No change. Nothing happens as far as linking. 

Create new MARC bib record (single record import)No change. Nothing happens as far as linking. 

Derive a new MARC bib record via quickMARC AND bib record has linked authorities

Allow a user to decide to keep links or remove them ONCE user hits the Derive action. 

PS: I think both are possible.

KG: Revised the requirement to allow a user to decide once s/he/they hit Derive action. 

Edit MARC bib records (in batch/via DI) AND bib records are linked to authorities.  (high level)
  • If a linked bib field is changed then do not update the field BUT flag it for manual review by cataloging staff. 
  • Do not fail the update of the entire record. Just do not update the linked field. (Similar to data field protection behavior) 
  • Will need to create a report for staff to access a list of MARC bib records with linked fields that were not updated AND require a manual review. 
  • A linked field cannot be updated IF 
    • Controlled MARC Field/Subfield values changed on incoming record
    •  Different or no $0 on incoming record 

  • Do not fail the update of the entire record. Just do not update the linked field. (Similar to data field protection behavior) 
    • Need to outline logic. 

1. need more requirements about indicating a record for manual review and report (at least a mockup)
2. How linked field could be updated if $0 is the same?
3. We should think how to handle the case when a record has a linked repeatable field (e.g 700) and an income record has also several 700 fields without $9. So I think in this case we can't update any of 700 fields (they can be absolutely different and we can't know for sure update for what 700 field is the intention)

KG: Added a few more use cases below. Also this is why I want to know how important it is to show $9. The implications are that libraries that want to use authority linking and then conduct updates will need to export all records (linked) and send to a third party service when making updates OR manual update themselves. It may mean more management on the part of librarians. This may not be an issue once we implement automated matching but it seems like it will be an issue for those who only do manual matching. Will need to discuss with catalogers. 

Update bib record via DI AND No change to the linked bib field in the import file.  

  1. User updates a linked bib record via data import.
  2. The import file contains a bib record with a  
    1. Linked 100 field w/o any changes to any of the controlled and uncontrolled values
    2. Assume that the matched $0 is included in the import file
    3. Assume that $9 is not included in the import file  

No action required 

Update bib record via DI AND Change to a linked bib field value(s) NOT controlled by authority in the import file.

  1. User updates a linked bib record via data import.
  2. The import file contains a bib record with a  
    1. Linked 100 field has a change to $e THAT is not controlled by linked authority record 100 
      1. In this scenario maybe the user adds another $e with the value narrator
    2. Assume that the matched $0 is included in the import file
    3. Assume that $9 is not included in the import file 

NR (ex 100): $e value(s) are updated  

R (ex. 700): $e value(s) are updated

Update bib record via DI AND Change to a linked bib field value Controlled by authority (but not $0) in an import file to be updated. 

  1. User updates a linked bib record via data import.
  2. The import file contains a bib record with a  
    1. Linked 100 field has a change to $a THAT is controlled by linked authority record 100 
      1. Linked 100 field $a is Angelou, Maya but the data import file has 100 $a as Angeloo, Maya
    2. Assume that the matched $0 is included in the import file
    3. Assume that $9 is not included in the import file 

NR (ex. 100): This field does not get updated BUT there is some indication as to why the field was not updated and it can potentially be via

R: (ex 700 - some of the 700s change) -  

a.) DI job log report 

b.) Separate - in-app report 

The report should include

  • Instance/HRID with link to the record
  • Linked MARC field number that was not updated 
  • Date/time stamp of the update
  • Reason the Linked MARC field number was not update. 
    • Controlled field value does not match
    • Missing $0 
    • Changed $0 
    • possibly missing $9?
  • Data import job ID? 

Update bib record via DI AND Linked bib field has no $0 in an import file to be updated. 

  1. User updates a linked bib record via data import.
  2. The import file contains a bib record with a  
    1. Linked 100 field does not include $0. No other change made to 100
    2. Assume that $9 is not included in the import file

Update bib record via DI AND Linked bib field has a different $0 value in an import file to be updated. 

  1. User updates a linked bib record via data import.
  2. The import file contains a bib record with a  
    1. Linked 100 field includes a $0 but the value stored  (ex. no234556) is not the same as what is in the import (ex. no234349). No other change made to 100
    2. Assume that $9 is not included in the import file

Update bib record via DI AND Linked bib field has a different $0  and change to a controlled value in an import file to be updated. 

  1. User updates a linked bib record via data import.
  2. The import file contains a bib record with a  
    1. Linked 100 field includes a $0 but the value stored  (ex. no234556) is not the same as what is in the import (ex. no234349).
    2. And subfield $d has changed from 1900 - 1998 to 1900 - 2000 
    3. Assume that $9 is not included in the import file

Update bib record via DI and the bib field number is repeatable one of the bib field rows has been updated. 

  1. User updates a linked bib record via data import.
  2. The import file contains a bib record with a  
    1. There are several 700 fields that are linked and some of are unlinked. One of the linked 700
      1. Includes a $0 but the value stored  (ex. no234556) is not the same as what is in the import (ex. no234349).
    2. Another linked 700 
      1. Has subfield $d has changed from 1900 - 1998 to 1900 - 2000 
    3. A non-linked 700 has a change 
    4. Assume that $9 is not included in the import file

Update bib record via DI and the bib field number is repeatable one of the bib field rows has been updated. (Has no $0) 

  1. User updates a linked bib record via data import.
  2. The import file contains a bib record with a  
    1. There are several 700 fields that are linked and some of are unlinked. One of the linked 700
      1. Has no $0 
    2. Assume that $9 is not included in the import file

Edit a MARC bib record (linked to an authority record) via quickMARC
  • Cannot edit linked MARC bib fields

Create new MARC authority record (in batch) No change. Nothing happens as far as linking.

Edit MARC authority record via quickMARC
  • If linked to a bib record AND authority 1XX OR 010$a has been updated then update all linked bib records with changed value(s). 
  • Bib updates should happen in a separate process.
  • See below on options on how to communicate status/updates to users.  
  • Consider that multiple updates can happen concurrently. 

Question(s): Expected time frame for changes to flow to all linked bib records. 

Talk with Ann-Marie and Magda regarding statuses. 

PS: expected time depends on amount of records and SRS and Inventory load in moment of update (for example a huge data-import is in progress). 

KG: Which service/module will handle the bib updates?

Edit MARC authority records (in batch - DI)
  • If authority 1XX or 010$a has been updated then update all linked bib records with changed value(s). 
  • Bib updates should happen in a separate process not as a part of MARC authority updates via data import. 
    • Once data import job is complete then a process should begin to update bib records 
    • Options to communicate to cataloging staff that updates are complete
      • Possibly use Bulk-edit? Or Bulk-edit + schedule option?
      • OR Create a log page that provides a query to all bib records updated based on authority record updates via MARC authority? Or dashboard widget that list log/jobs and current status to complete updates? 
  • Consider that multiple updates can happen concurrently. 

Question(s): Expected time frame for changes to flow to all linked bib records. 

" " 

KG: Any thoughts on Options to communicate to cataloging staff that updates are complete?

KG: Which service/module will handle the bib updates?

Delete MARC authority record via quickMARC
  • Allow for deletion to proceed 
  • Ask user to confirm that they want to delete the authority record. Ensure they understand impact of unlinking these records by providing # of records to be unlinked. 
  • Linked bib fields are no longer linked. No change to any bib subfield values.... only change is these fields can be edited. 

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