Sharon Wiles-Young, Doreen Herold, Holly Mistlebauer, Kristin Martin, Peter Murray, Kathleen McEvoy, Michael Winkler
(Regrets: Tamir)
Dates for upcoming meetings (current week’s facilitator becomes next week’s minute-taker)
October 5: Sharon, facilitate; Doreen minutes
October 12: Holly, facilitate; Sharon, minutes
October 19: Doreen, facilitate; Kristin Martin,minutes (Peter, Holly, and Michael will be in Copenhagen)
October 26: , facilitate; ,minutes
November 2: ,facilitate; ,minutes
Minutes for October 5, 2016
Minutes for October 12:
Discuss Kristin Martin’s email proposal: “Jacob is writing up a proposal for some follow-up to the Oct. 5 forum. He has some ideas to have two online focus groups, potentially to schedule for Oct. 18 and Oct. 19, where we can have a max of ten participants discuss the documents shared on Discuss. So far, we’ve gotten views, but no comments. We thought with just two small focus groups, it would probably be manageable as a pilot. Jacob should be sending along more details at the end of today, but I wanted to let people know where this is. Maybe after the smaller focus groups, we will have a better idea about when and who could talk on the issues of researcher services in a larger context?”
Kristin followed up with Jacob not sure if there is time to plan and schedule Oct.18&19 focus groups--Jacob will write up some topics for focus groups- limit of 10 people in each group--
Kristin asked about chat and individual questions from last Forum on Oct.5th, may be on the recording and no comments on Jacob’s documents posted on discuss.
Focus groups may be ready for following week if Oct.18&19 does not work in schedule- Jacob will need 2 facilitators
Action Item: Check on scheduling of focus groups and Jacob will need 2 facilitators for the focus groups
2. Discuss future topics in Idea Bank to plan November 16 Forum:
Nov. 2nd Forum- publicity ready so send out now since Jennifer Solomon already sent the Forum announcement to the GOKb list and then we should send a follow up reminder closer to the November 2nd date
ACTION ITEM: Send out Nov. 2nd Forum announcement and follow up reminder
Host: Kristin Martin
Nov. 16th Forum: Code use by community- Forum how others get involved in FOLIO outcomes of Copenhagen meetings, step by step guide to get involved, onboard developers, roadmap, first use of code; other technical people talking about code, getting involved with code
Host: Peter Murray
Possible title of Forum-Community Developers: Onboarding and Initial Responses
November Forum: Kirstin from GBV on Functional Requirements Catalog; Charleston outcomes, December Forum: App development, January Forum- Jacob’s work on UI and possible UI groups
ACTION ITEM: WHO is talking to Amigos about possible Forum?
3. Action Items from Oct. 12th:
Kristin Martin Check with Jacob about Oct. 18 & 19th for focus groups or week after for follow up focus groups
Kristin Martin Doreen Herold Sharon Wiles-Young Send out November 2nd Forum announcements
Michael Winkler will contact Ken Chad re: Possible forum from AMIGOS
Michael Winkler will send all the registrations for the Forums to this point- take a look at this list
Continue to review to cull potential topics/questions
4. Action items from Oct. 5th meeting: Check in ---
Kristin Martin will follow up with Marc after Copenhagen workshop
Rachel Fadlon will share notice re: FOLIO lounge to be shared to others--DONE
Submitted by, Sharon Wiles-Young