Kristin Wilson thought this would be an interesting idea.
Is there a problem with proprietary records?
Does anyone have contracts with record providers that prohibit this?
SkyRiver must have overcome this already.
Can FOLIO provide most of this functionality today?
In a future call. Define problem and what requirements are needed for such a system.
A bibliographic utility, but this is not a Union catalog
It would need to regularly harvest from FOLIO systems, central cataloging systems of consortia, and other ILS systems.
Must de-dupe records and pick the best records.
Needs ability to create records in the central utility directly.
Needs ability to import all the records (not sure)
"Codex like" search that includes central utility or ability to search central utility directly and push a record.
Standard record. What does this really imply?
Central policy for record quality? Who makes these decisions? Need a standards document. What is good enough? We need a separate discussion about this.
Need mapping for record transfer.
Export to Discovery? Is it needed?
Needs to provide support for RDA and other non-MARC formats.