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2022-9-20 Bulk Edit Working Group Meeting Notes

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Attendees (please add your name):

Magda Zacharska (OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee Jennifer Eustis Amanda Ros Kimie Kester Robert Scheier Monica Arnold  Erin Weller 

Note Taker:

Robert Scheier

Meeting Recording:


  • Attendees  - please add your name to the list of attendees
  • Meeting host -  please turn on Transcript option for the meeting
WOLFcon update:The Bulk edit session recording is available here

Development updates

  • Buk edit  - Morning Glory Bugfest tickets:


type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

Expected behavior for: 
  • user status if expiration date is set to past.
Existing behavior: 
  • the status is automatically set to inactive in User app and in bulk edit CSV approach.    Should this be reported under errors?

UXPROD-3805 Loan due dates updates

  1. What are the most common use cases when the library would need to modify loan due date?
  2. Should the feature include also loan and return dates?
  3. What should be specified as a loan action?
  4. Any existing dependencies on loan policies?
  5. Should renewal Count be updated as well and how it would impact the loan policies?
  6. How loans should be identified:
    1. loan id and hrid?
    2. by location?
    3. item ids (hrid, uuids, barcodes)?
    4. Other?

UXPROD-3806 Requests hold dates updates

  1. How often the library need to make a bulk edit of the request hold shelf expiration date?
  2. Should the feature include also request expiration date?
  3. Which request statuses should be impacted?
  4. Which request types should be impacted?
  5. How requests should be identified:
    1. request id and hrid?
    2. by pickup point?
    3. Other?

UXPROD-3468 Removing and adding permissions 

  1. What are the most common use cases for removing or adding permissions?
  2. How permissions for the bulk edit should be identified:
    1. User barcodes?
    2. User groups?
    3. Other?
UXPROD-3785 Advanced query for single record type
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