Hi !
If you are a new member of the Folio SysOps & Management SIG, welcome! We're glad to have you participate in our group. We meet using the Zoom online conferencing tool every Friday at 10:00 AM Eastern U.S. time for one hour. We use the same Zoom link for every meeting. See the top of the System Operations and Management SIG Meetings and Notes page for details on the Zoom meeting link. Please review the checklist below to make sure you are fully integrated into the group's resources and communication channels. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the Folio SysOps & Management SIG Convener, Ingolf Kuss.
- The Convener will add your name, email address and affiliation to the SIG members list on the SIGs wiki home page SysOps & Management SIG Home . Please supply additional information about your job position in the third column as you like.
The Convener will make a request to add your email address to the sysops-sig Mailing List.
- The Convener will send you a recurrent calendar event for the SysOps SIG weekly meetings.
- Prior to each meeting, the Convener will send the next meeting's agenda via the sysops-sig Mailing list. SysOps SIG participants take turns completing the minutes for each meeting. Don't worry... nobody will expect perfect meeting notes. It's just for our own reference.
- Read general information about FOLIO Communication Spaces .
Please sign up for the Folio wiki in Confluence (wiki.folio.org) and the Folio ticketing system JIRA (issues.folio.org) by doing the self-signup, which is available at: https://issues.folio.org/secure/Signup!default.jspa (this sign-up gets you into both the Confluence & JIRA). You will be asked to choose a FOLIO username.
- You should follow and engage in the discussions on the Slack channels, FOLIO Project Slack . There is a sys-ops channel. You can self-signup for FOLIO Slack here: https://slack-invitation.folio.org/. Slack is the major means of communication in the project, aside from the weekly meetings and conferences, when you can't meet your mates in person. There is the possibility to do phone and video calls via Slack.
- If you don't have access to the SysOps SIG Google Drive Folder, please send the Convener an email with your gmail account address. Once you have access, review also other information that may be in the SysOps SIG Google Drive Folder .
- Get familiar with the FOLIO JIRA. Go to https://issues.folio.org and sign in with your FOLIO username. Following Projects - UXPROD will take you to the roadmap Kanban board, a high level overview of what is in the development pipeline. Also at the top level of granularity in the JIRA are the App Ideas, you can view them if you follow Projects - APPIDEAS. The general hierarchy of JIRA issues is App Idea - Epic (Kanban board) - Feature - User Story. Go to Issues - Search for Issues to search for issues. In the search bar go to More (Add more fields to search with) - Recent Criteria - Label (check the box). In the search field which will open type "SysOps" and press enter to see all issues which have been labeled by "SysOps". Search for other labels or other free text as you like or need.
Please go to http://discuss.folio.org and request an account by clicking on the Sign Up button on the upper right. The Folio SysOps discussion site section is https://discuss.folio.org/c/sigs/sysop .
Please review past meeting agendas and minutes (the agendas are edited by the note taker to become the meeting minutes) to see what we have discussed.
A video recording of every past meeting is available for your information in the Recordings folder in the SysOps & Mngmt SIG Google Drive Folder .
- There are some github repositories which are directly related to the work of the SysOps group (an outcome of that work):