The purpose of this test set is to test browse/subject/instances API. Measure performance, find possible issues, bottlenecks.
MSEARCH-293. Test performance of subject browsing.
- 1 user test ended without errors. Average response time 5.509 s. Resources usage is hardly visible on mod-search during test (most of work were done on OpenSearch end). OpenSearch CPU usage reached 70%.
- 5 users test ended without errors. Average response time 7.918s. Resources usage is hardly visible on mod-search during test (most of work were done on OpenSearch end). OpenSearch CPU usage reached 100%.
- 10 users ended without errors as well. Average response time is 13.357 s. OpenSearch CPU usage reached 100% immediately after test start.
- 1-100 users Ramp-up.
- first error appeared on 16 users;
- on 35 users mod-search becomes unstable. * see more details below.
- mod-search 1.6.4
- OpenSearch service
nodes type r6g.large.search (X4) * (4 data nodes 3 dedicated master nodes);
- version OpenSearch 1.2 (latest);
- kafka 2.8.0
Test Results
Test 1 user
users | Average | 75% | Errors |
1 | 5.509 | 6.164 | None |
Resources usage
Note: This test is not visible on most charts, except CPU usage from OpenSearch service.
Note: OpenSearch CPU usage reached ±70% during test.
*Rest of a charts does not contain any valuable information.
Test 5 users
users | Average | 75% | Errors |
5 | 7.918 | 9.085 | None |
Resources usage
Test 10 users
users | Average | 75% | Errors |
10 | 13.357 | 15.568 | none |
Resources usage
Test 1-100 users (Ramp-Up)
Notable observations:
- First errors starts at 16 users;
- On 35 users system becomes unstable and containers often failed (See CPU chart);
- After 35 users - error rate reached 91%.
- On client side - HTTP 500 Internal Server Error. If the issue persists, please report it to EBSCO Connect.
- On server side: ERROR andlerExecutionChain HandlerInterceptor.afterCompletion threw exception
java.lang.NullPointerException: null.