Vision and strategy paper
Comments and feedback are requested and will be accepted until Friday, November 20, 2020
New Governance Model
Feedback on new governance model
Continued from last week
- What will the User Group or the SIGs be in the future?
- how will we demonstrate issues and ask for solutions?
- add comments to the Vision and strategy paper above by November 20, 2020
- Charlotte asks if a User group would be like a support SIG?
- How will the implementers SIG or Support SIG evolve?
- will there need to be some division to avoid one too-large group (might get unwieldy)
- ref: bywater customers and the other communities they support who may not be their direct customers
- vendors who want to support folio also will need to get involved in the community
- Governance model(s)?
- Product council / community council (which is new)
- seems to suggest the Community Council will be taking over some of the work the Product Council has been doing de facto
- Seems to have been working between Product Council and stakeholders group
- Technical council (TC) is working on technical things
- Suggests SIGs (like MM SIG) are in the Working Group section
- SIGs currently report to the Product Council (PC)
- the managing of the money is also important and is connected through everything
- How to contribute expertise and money (some will contribute one or the other, not necessarily both)
- Membership falls under these various lines of contributions of kind or money
- Asking: do voting members all contribute some kind of money?
- community is defined as having a Jira account?
- framed around elections?
- Policy making takes place elsewhere
- Big conversation about representation on councils (one seat per council by each institution)
- how to move governance to the way Koha is governed
- How is the communty community being defined?
- how to be open with the awareness that development that tools need resources in the form of $
- Look at the governance document linked above (feedback deadline, November 20, 2020)