Product Council Update | Former user (Deleted) - Would you mind filling this in? I was late to the party today! Sorry! – Lisa McColl | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MM rep for Forum Facilitators Group | Laura E Daniels | This is not a huge time commitment and is a good way to get to know more about FOLIO at a broader level. It's also pretty fun. Laura has been doing this for a couple of years & is happy to answer questions. Please let Laura know if you are interested! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Item Status/Item State | Laura E Daniels | Outline for item status/item state cross-SIG subgroup: Please let Laura know if you are interested, before the end of the day next Monday. Looking for a small group.... Projected time: Weekly meetings for 1 hour, occasional hour of work, meeting for several months. Charlotte - Most of the discussions around this has involved only the Resource Access SIG, up until now, but broader impacts are being felt and seen now. Business logic is being built around Item States, and at this point cannot be tweaked. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Subgroup & other updates? | No announcements were made. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Moving Holdings and Item Records | Charlotte Whitt | Slide deck:
There have been three meetings with this group. This is a work in progress. Kimie Kester is working on wire-frames for this functionality. Chalmers is struggling with this issue, so while it is not cap-mvp, the issue is being attended to.
Dennis (Duke) - There is a field in the MARC Holdings record that needs to be changed when the holding record is moved. The MARC Holdings record needs to reflect the attachment to a new Bib/Instance Sara - Orders in FOLIO "know" about the Instance, Holdings, and Item. Charlotte - when item is moved, the data living in item will move. Data outside of item such as loan info, order. Possible bonus: Introduction to FOLIO of a dual screen.
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A OCLC single record import update (next week) |
Chicago, Cornell, Duke and Texas A&M are working on this with Index Data. Representatives from each group will be informing the development. Mike Gorrell will join MM SIG for an update on the work March 12. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Inventory Documentation Edit-a-Thon | Will be happening March 27 12-4pm Eastern Time: Inventory (Inventory tips and tricks page) For every app there are pages of documentation - some are placeholders. Action: Volunteers needed to collaborate on creating documentation for Inventory pages. It does not have to be in a perfect final form. You can start to record information. If you need a wiki logon let Laura know. She will help you get a log on. Laura wondered if people would want to participate in a virtual "editathon". Ann-Marie suggested using this page as a model for a similar page for Inventory - Settings - Reference data decisions and load sequence for migration >Individual Apps : - Information, Tips, and Tricks | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Alternate Graphical Representations | aka Multiple Graphical Representations ready to submit to Tech Council? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Future MM meetings | Do we want to start formally splitting meetings between development and implementation discussions? Have a more organic structure? Something else entirely? What future topics would you like to discuss? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Future meeting topics |
Statistical codes: type = "Action" – create list of recommended values Refine the result list - work planned for development Q3 2020
Filip Jakobsen suggests to use Message banner (a new component) to display if an instance record is marked as: Suppressed from discovery, Staff suppress, or Previous held, or holdings/item is marked Suppressed for discovery. This use is intended as a MVP solution: Post-MVP we aim for ux consitency with MARCcat.
Source format (FOLIO, MARC and more) and Source of truth (SRS, LIBRIS, K10Plus and more). Review the FOLIO metadata flow based on test of the newly implementation of edit freeze of records in Inventory when having only SRS and Inventory installed.
Inventory, MARCcat, Data Import Permissions interaction review Search enhancements - possible also look at more general requirements for defining search, e.g. when to use: Phrase search, Truncating (left and/or right), Stemming, Nested search, Boolean search, etc. (TC and MM task)
Discovery – need to clarify sources of data for discovery vs. data needed for operations; this needs to be documented for the entire FOLIO community and direction should come from Product Council Item statuses and the apps that affect them - Music / Maps / Media cataloging review of data elements in Inventory
Texas A&M may have a music cataloger that can help. Christie offered to load cartographic and music data from other libraries into their test FOLIO instance. Jennifer (via chat): We should also look at video as well. Videos have other standard numbers EAN for instance and fields that people like to search and discovery them by https://issuesfolio-org.folioatlassian.orgnet/browse/REP-234 |