- Investigate using external data sources (outside FOLIO data) in the Library Reporting Database
- Each Reporting SIG member gets experience writing a report with chosen reporting toolÂ
- Understand our needs for normalizing, denormalizing, summarizing, aggregating, anonymizing data
- Periodically (quarterly) check in with Reporting SIG members on report writing needsÂ
- Maintain, support, and distribute robust repository of shared queries
- Write shared documentation on the queries, connecting reporting tools to Library Reporting Database
- Write shared documentation on the Library Reporting Database implementation, maintenance and schema (e.g., data dictionary)
- Implement one open source database (e.g., Postgres, Monetdb) and one commercial database for larger data and/or faster queries (e.g., Vertica)
- Write "concept dictionary" or "metadata dictionary" to capture library data elements/attributes in glossary form with common vocabulary for SMEs and developers
New Goals for 2020
- Goal 1
- Goal 2
New Goals for 2020
- Expand outreach from Reporting SIG to FOLIO community to gather feedback, try queries, test reports, etc.
- Reach out to early implementers and respond to their reporting problems and needs