This is a list of topics the Reporting SIG is considering for future meetings.
Review 2020 Goals and Accomplishments
Draft 2021 Goals
We'll review reports that have been categorized as External Statistics to move them into existing Reporting Subgroups for development. Import/Export and Consortia Reports also need to be reviewed this way.
Several basic questions about reporting came up during the WolfCon 2020 sessions. It would be helpful to have an FAQ page we can refer people to when these questions come up, e.g.,
- what is the data loading speed of the LDP?
- repeatable fields will be served to the LDP as arrays in the data column that preserves the original Javascript object in FOLIO; a JSON extract path is used to extract this data; we will review this to discuss possible alternate ways to show this information in the LDP in a future Reporting SIG meeting
The Data Privacy Group is taking another look at reports that have been identified as needing to be developed in the apps because there is new information on GDPR requirements that may allow some of them to be LDP reports. They will update the Reporting SIG on their findings
Stray Reporting Features
Sharon and Nassib will provide an update on the following stray reporting features.
Stray Features
UXPROD-1100: CQL Support for Audit Module
UXPROD-358: Edge API for Acquisition Data Enhancement
Custom Fields
-need use cases
review recommendation for RA in app vs DW reports
-need to consider data privacy when evaluating in app vs dw reports
-what personally identifiable information is needed in any LDP reports?
-who from Reporting SIG can help review reports for personally identifiable information?
This will be an ongoing part of Reporting SIG meetings until in-app report definition is clearer and both PO and report requester have a shared understanding of who will complete the report and what it will do.
Review process for adding reporting features to JIRA (see wiki page)
Review all items on Reporting Functionality worksheet and move them into the appropriate location in JIRA
FOLIO Face-to-Face meeting plans -
June 17-19 in DC, $100 registration fee
120 attendees is the target
-hotel registration must be done by May 11
-Location of June meeting: DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Washington DC - Crystal City,
300 Army Navy Drive, Arlington, VA 22202
-large WolfCon Conference is planned for January 2020
Working document for the Face to Face meeting:
Goals for PC/Conveners -
Settle on what groups/individual should plan to attend
Discuss and decide on meeting times/organization
Identify any significant gaps in the program
Data Privacy for the LDP Data Warehouse
-need to form a subgroup of the Reporting SIG to work on Data Privacy for Reporting
-capture "Reporting Data Privacy" requirements and issues in the Reporting SIG wiki
-what data should be removed from extraction as we build the LDP Reporting Data Warehouse?
-request that Reporting SIG make a set recommendations on approach to anonymizing data
-European standard for GDPR
-capture in JIRA as an LDP feature?
-build survey about current practices
-may need interaction with UM and Privacy SIGs
-may need to bring to Product Council
SMEs in our functional areas are asking how we will report on custom fields that are being included in FOLIO applications. Let's explore how to do this.
-process of building up data model works for standard reports, but what about new apps
-hoping that this group will continue, that reporting efforts will continue beyond Phase 1 day
-but it seems to have implications for both database schema and data load scripts
FOLIO eUsage App
-application will enable harvesting, entering, storing, and providing COUNTER Usage Data
In-app reports for Scott Perry at UChicago.
Sharon update on discussing ARES reporting with UI developer Darcy Brancini.
FOLIO Export Function for Tables: recheck on progress
- in what apps will it be implemented in FOLIO?
- will the "Export to CSV" functionality be consistent in the UI?
- demo of progress
In-App Report Review
-do they meet our expectations?
-are the priorities correct?
Oct 1 Reporting SIG meeting
-How to Assign yourself to your reports in JIRA
-Holly's overview of the upload
-Holly's review of how to use JIRA filters to find your reports
-next steps for Report Protypes
Nassib Nassab - Reporting: Reference Implementation UXPROD-943
Vince Bareau - Reporting: Data Lake UXPROD-330
will require several meetings
The next step for the Reference Data Warehouse is to bring our request to Technical Council for their thoughts on design of the infrastructure to build it. We'll need to communicate our design requirements, so we'll take a look at what's most important to include.
will require several meetings
Oct 1 Reporting SIG meeting
-How to Assign yourself to your reports in JIRA
-Holly's overview of the upload
-Holly's review of how to use JIRA filters to find your reports
-next steps for Report Protypes
Prioritizing Reports
Assigning Yourself to Reports in JIRA
FOLIO Export function for tables of data
- Holly gave a demo of current state of "Export to CSV" function for Loans and Fine/Fees
June 11th- A presentation on BibControl will be given by Klaus Hoverath of Triangle Solutions, a company specializing in providing data warehouse, ETL, OLAP and Business Intelligence Solutions. . Their clients are 70% to 80% libraries and that he has currently between 30 and 40 libraries as clients, which are part of the GBV or hbz network . With BibControl, he is a partner of OCLC. See Triangle Solutions flyer for more information.
Review data elements identified by MM SIG and Data Migration Subgroup from a Reporting perspective. What's missing? How does the data mapping work? What's been identified so far?
Jeremy Huff (TAMU Dev) and Frances Webb (Cornell Dev) joined the Reporting SIG meeting on 4/9/18 to discuss JIRA ticket OKAPI-570 , which had been entered into the Folio Issue Tracker to capture recent discussions about concerns related to the approach taken in JIRA tickets UX-PROD-331 and UX-PROD-332. These are development tickets for building the technical infrastructure to support Folio Data Lake environments. OKAPI-570 details concerns and offers alternative proposals for the implementation of reporting features residing in OKAPI’s core, dereferencing at the time of report generation, the impact of schema mutation on report creation, and implementing message queues as an internal component of reporting and/or OKAPI core.
Since then, Vince Bareau has made comments on each of the issues raised in JIRA ticket OKAPI-570, the developers have discussed these issues, and Jeremy Huff has added Conclusions as a follow-up to each of the issues raised in the Google Doc associated with JIRA ticket OKAPI-570
We will review these Conclusions and see if there are any additional questions.
- we are working on enabling SIG members to join the conference by calling into sessions via ZOOM
- gather input on reporting topics for WolfCon
4/2/18, 4/9/18, 4/16/18
This is a list of topics the Reporting SIG is considering for future meetings.
We'll review reports that have been categorized as External Statistics to move them into existing Reporting Subgroups for development. Import/Export and Consortia Reports also need to be reviewed this way.
Several basic questions about reporting came up during the WolfCon 2020 sessions. It would be helpful to have an FAQ page we can refer people to when these questions come up, e.g.,
- what is the data loading speed of the LDP?
- repeatable fields will be served to the LDP as arrays in the data column that preserves the original Javascript object in FOLIO; a JSON extract path is used to extract this data; we will review this to discuss possible alternate ways to show this information in the LDP in a future Reporting SIG meeting
The Data Privacy Group is taking another look at reports that have been identified as needing to be developed in the apps because there is new information on GDPR requirements that may allow some of them to be LDP reports. They will update the Reporting SIG on their findings
Stray Reporting Features
Sharon and Nassib will provide an update on the following stray reporting features.
Stray Features
UXPROD-1100: CQL Support for Audit Module
UXPROD-358: Edge API for Acquisition Data Enhancement
Custom Fields
-need use cases
review recommendation for RA in app vs DW reports
-need to consider data privacy when evaluating in app vs dw reports
-what personally identifiable information is needed in any LDP reports?
-who from Reporting SIG can help review reports for personally identifiable information?
This will be an ongoing part of Reporting SIG meetings until in-app report definition is clearer and both PO and report requester have a shared understanding of who will complete the report and what it will do.
Review process for adding reporting features to JIRA (see wiki page)
Review all items on Reporting Functionality worksheet and move them into the appropriate location in JIRA
FOLIO Face-to-Face meeting plans -
June 17-19 in DC, $100 registration fee
120 attendees is the target
-hotel registration must be done by May 11
-Location of June meeting: DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Washington DC - Crystal City,
300 Army Navy Drive, Arlington, VA 22202
-large WolfCon Conference is planned for January 2020
Working document for the Face to Face meeting:
Goals for PC/Conveners -
Settle on what groups/individual should plan to attend
Discuss and decide on meeting times/organization
Identify any significant gaps in the program
Data Privacy for the LDP Data Warehouse
-need to form a subgroup of the Reporting SIG to work on Data Privacy for Reporting
-capture "Reporting Data Privacy" requirements and issues in the Reporting SIG wiki
-what data should be removed from extraction as we build the LDP Reporting Data Warehouse?
-request that Reporting SIG make a set recommendations on approach to anonymizing data
-European standard for GDPR
-capture in JIRA as an LDP feature?
-build survey about current practices
-may need interaction with UM and Privacy SIGs
-may need to bring to Product Council
SMEs in our functional areas are asking how we will report on custom fields that are being included in FOLIO applications. Let's explore how to do this.
-process of building up data model works for standard reports, but what about new apps
-hoping that this group will continue, that reporting efforts will continue beyond Phase 1 day
-but it seems to have implications for both database schema and data load scripts
FOLIO eUsage App
-application will enable harvesting, entering, storing, and providing COUNTER Usage Data
In-app reports for Scott Perry at UChicago.
Sharon update on discussing ARES reporting with UI developer Darcy Brancini.
FOLIO Export Function for Tables: recheck on progress
- in what apps will it be implemented in FOLIO?
- will the "Export to CSV" functionality be consistent in the UI?
- demo of progress
In-App Report Review
-do they meet our expectations?
-are the priorities correct?
Oct 1 Reporting SIG meeting
-How to Assign yourself to your reports in JIRA
-Holly's overview of the upload
-Holly's review of how to use JIRA filters to find your reports
-next steps for Report Protypes
Nassib Nassab - Reporting: Reference Implementation UXPROD-943
Vince Bareau - Reporting: Data Lake UXPROD-330
will require several meetings
The next step for the Reference Data Warehouse is to bring our request to Technical Council for their thoughts on design of the infrastructure to build it. We'll need to communicate our design requirements, so we'll take a look at what's most important to include.
will require several meetings
Oct 1 Reporting SIG meeting
-How to Assign yourself to your reports in JIRA
-Holly's overview of the upload
-Holly's review of how to use JIRA filters to find your reports
-next steps for Report Protypes
Prioritizing Reports
Assigning Yourself to Reports in JIRA
FOLIO Export function for tables of data
- Holly gave a demo of current state of "Export to CSV" function for Loans and Fine/Fees
June 11th- A presentation on BibControl will be given by Klaus Hoverath of Triangle Solutions, a company specializing in providing data warehouse, ETL, OLAP and Business Intelligence Solutions. . Their clients are 70% to 80% libraries and that he has currently between 30 and 40 libraries as clients, which are part of the GBV or hbz network . With BibControl, he is a partner of OCLC. See Triangle Solutions flyer for more information.
Review data elements identified by MM SIG and Data Migration Subgroup from a Reporting perspective. What's missing? How does the data mapping work? What's been identified so far?
Jeremy Huff (TAMU Dev) and Frances Webb (Cornell Dev) joined the Reporting SIG meeting on 4/9/18 to discuss JIRA ticket OKAPI-570 , which had been entered into the Folio Issue Tracker to capture recent discussions about concerns related to the approach taken in JIRA tickets UX-PROD-331 and UX-PROD-332. These are development tickets for building the technical infrastructure to support Folio Data Lake environments. OKAPI-570 details concerns and offers alternative proposals for the implementation of reporting features residing in OKAPI’s core, dereferencing at the time of report generation, the impact of schema mutation on report creation, and implementing message queues as an internal component of reporting and/or OKAPI core.
Since then, Vince Bareau has made comments on each of the issues raised in JIRA ticket OKAPI-570, the developers have discussed these issues, and Jeremy Huff has added Conclusions as a follow-up to each of the issues raised in the Google Doc associated with JIRA ticket OKAPI-570
We will review these Conclusions and see if there are any additional questions.
- we are working on enabling SIG members to join the conference by calling into sessions via ZOOM
- gather input on reporting topics for WolfCon
4/2/18, 4/9/18, 4/16/18
- Follow-up on MARC status, Quickmarc/Data Import conflicts
- How to strengthen connections to SIGs and their developers to be kept in the loop about changes to the data model
- Show and tell
- how are institutions using the LDP
- examples of using the local schema
- Cornell's report ticketing system
- Rollout plans from institutions
- Ask someone on the sysadmin side to talk about LDP administration (Jason Root?)
- What is done in JIRA? (JIRA clean up)
- Training topics
- adding test data in FOLIO snapshot
- How to do ad hoc querying with the derived tables
- How to use the LDP app
- using KNIME to build reports (LDP edition)
- use of local schema for custom tables
- more on MARC (ask Jennifer)
- using different applications (other than DBeaver)
- Insomnia for API queries?
- LDP to metadb
- Metadb implications
- if schema changes, will that be relatively seamless? old fields still in history, but new fields in current?
- if fields are deprecated and removed, what happens if they come back again?
- how will deleted records show up?
- Git/GitHub
- Panorama
- LDLite (again?)
- Discussion:
- how to rank clusters with institutional rankings going away?
- consortia SIG is talking about a central office app of some kind; that app might need to deal with consortia-wide reporting
- how to train:
- wiki pages with examples? form a small project team? (e.g., how to pull from marc, how to use local schema)
- each dev team create training about the data structures in that area?
- Query style (ask Nassib)
- Gathering institutional query repositories; someone can propose a new page or a new addition to an existing page on FOLIO Analytics?
- Follow up on how devs can work with SMEs better to decide on and advertise data model changes
- Upcoming:
- SQL advice/query optimization (Axel)
- query demo - MARC (Tod)
- Intro to SQL training (as time allows)
- revisit discussion on openness/transparency in communication and open source software; decide as a group what we would like to advocate for
- reports from implementers on experiences with hosting solutions