Relevant for the work on UXPROD-1624:
# | Use case / Feature | Description | Apps | Goals | Added by ... | Priority? |
1 | Delete an individual instance when the record has been created by a mistake by the same user. | This can happen if you click + New and create and save the record This can happen if you click Duplicate in the action menu, and the cataloger regret the action after the record i saved. | Inventory | Be able to clean up the data base for instances create by a mistake | High | |
2 | Delete an individual instance if two users have created the same record. | This can happen by a coincidence, or misunderstanding | Inventory | Be able to clean up the data base for instances create by a mistake | High | |
3 | Delete an individual instance if a record is being created during Data Import, and that same title already exit exist in Inventory | This can happen by a mistake when loading records using Single Record Import or another Data Import job profile, where overlay of records is not happening. | Inventory | Be able to clean up the data base for instances create by a mistake | High | |
4 | Delete an individual instance if a record exist in Inventory, and then later an extra copy is ordered. | This can happen by a mistake when the Acquisition staff is not aware the title is already present in Inventory, and the acquisition staff miss to connect the new order with the existing title. | Inventory, Orders | Be able to clean up the data base for instances create by a mistake | High | |
5 | Delete an individual instance of a record after all items and holdings have been removed (no-traditional Items) | Instance records are created for non-traditional items such as laptops, power cords etc. Once the items are no longer circulated all records are removed. | Inventory | Be able to clean up the data base of instances no longer needed. | High | |
6 | Delete an individual instance of a record that has no holdings or items records (MARC based) created from Data Import / Migration | Instance records that were imported from a previous LMS. The records were imported with no holdings or item records or these components have been moved/deleted. | Inventory | Be able to clean up the data base of instances no longer needed / created by mistake | High | |
7 | Delete an individual instance of a record that was created at time of order, but is no longer needed | An order was put in for an item and an instance record was created at time of order. The order was then cancelled and the item will not be re-ordered so the instance record is no longer needed. | Inventory, Orders | Be able to clean up the data base of instances no longer needed. | Raegan Wiechert | Medium |
8 | Delete an individual instance for an item that has been withdrawn | User or automated process has already deleted holdings/items for withdrawn items. Now I want to get rid of the instance record. | Inventory, Orders | Be able to clean up the data base of instances no longer needed. | High | |
9 | Delete a set of instances that could not previously be deleted because of lack of functionality | There are already many records in the system that need to be deleted now that the functionality exists. Need to be able to delete as a set, rather than having to delete individually | Inventory | Be able to clean up the data base of instances no longer needed / created by mistake | Raegan Wiechert | High |
10 | Delete a set of instances because of a bad Data Import | Instances were created as part of Data Import, but a wrong profile or improperly set up profile was used. Or a wrong file was loaded. | Inventory, Data Import? | Be able to clean up the data base for instances create by a mistake | Medium/ High | |
11 | Delete an instance associated with a deleted order. | If an order cannot be fulfilled or was created in error and is deleted the associated instance should be deleted as well. The instance may or may not have an associated MARC record. | Inventory, Orders | Be able to clean up the data base of instances no longer needed or where the data was created by mistake. | Christie Thomas | Medium/High |
12 | Delete an instance that is unable to be edited or overlayed. | If an instance can no longer be maintained because there is a data issue somewhere in the system that prevents it from being edited or overlayed, users should be able to create a new instance for the management of the resource and the corrupted instance should be able to be deleted. (This is a secondary to not being able to correct corrupted instances.) | Inventory | Be able to clean up the data base of records that are no longer usable. | High | |
13 | Delete an instance that is at the end of its life. | Some instances are intended to be temporary records - instances describing leased electronic materials; instances representing resources that are not a part of the library collection, professors' copies for example; etc. | Inventory | Be able to clean up the data base of instances no longer needed. | Medium/High | |
14 | Export deleted instances | The ability to export deleted bibliographic records to support e.g. the Cataloging Distribution Service. | Inventory, Export | Be able to retain deleted records when relevant | Medium/ High | |
15 | Export deleted authority records | The ability to export deleted authority data to support e.g. the Cataloging Distribution Service | MARC Authority, Export | Be able to retain deleted records when relevant | Medium/ High | |
16 | Delete a set of instances for electronic materials that the library no longer has access to | Need for deletion most likely due to library no longer subscribing to an e-resource package or to title changes in a package; any holdings or items (if applicable) have been deleted already. Batch deletion would be preferable to individual record deletion in this context. | Inventory | Be able to clean up the data base of instances no longer needed. | Amanda Scott | High |
17 | Delete a set of instances for physical materials that have been withdrawn | Any holdings or items have been deleted already. Batch deletion would be useful in large withdrawal/weeding projects and would be preferable to individual record deletion. | Inventory | Be able to clean up the data base of instances no longer needed. | Amanda Scott | High |
18 | Delete one or more Instances when triggered by Data Import (using Action profile = Delete) | Would be triggered based on Data Import of a MARC Bib file, rather than by a Batch edit or Inventory function. | Data Import | Be able to remove SRS and Instance records for materials that were weeded, declared lost, or otherwise removed from the collection (e.g. records for DDA titles that were never triggered for purchase) | Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated) | Medium |
19 | Delete one or more instances when the to-be-deleted instances have underlying SRS records, and the library wants them to be FOLIO-managed records (inventory-only) instead | Libraries coming from systems like Aleph may have maintained "stub" MARC records for items like equipment or room keys to allow them to circulate. If they import those records and then want them to be editable in the UI, they likely will want them to be FOLIO-based instead of SRS-based. So the step would be to delete the instance/holding/item created from the stub SRS record, and recreate as an Inventory-only record instead. | Inventory, data import | Be able to allow libraries to tweak managing their records as they start to use FOLIO and discover desired functionality | Low | |
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21 | Delete a set of instances when ... | |||||