Folio Attribute (Module/Path:Object) | Folio Data Element Description | Parameters/Query |
Table name: |
(requestsrequest-storage/requests |
Request ID (mod-circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests/ID |
)Request type (mod-circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests/requestType) | Request date (mod-circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests/requestDateRequester ID (mod-circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests/requesterID) | Proxy user ID (mod-circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests/proxyUserIDID of the request | Provides the unique counter for the report (total count of unique request IDS by date is the sum of all requests for that time period) |
Item ID (mod-circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests/itemID) | ID of the item requested | Provides a join between mod-circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests and mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items |
and Status of the request
Delivery address type ID (mod-circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests/ |
statusFulfillment preference (Item barcode (mod-circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests/barcode) | ID of the type of delivery address (provides a service delivery check; items can only be delivered to addresses with specific IDs, such as those with faculty office IDs) | Provides a join between mod-circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests |
/fulfilmentPreference)Delivery address type ID (circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests/deliveryAddressTypeID)users/addressTypes |
Pickup service point ID (mod-circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests/pickupServicePointID |
)Table name: mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items | Item ID (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/IDThe inventory itempickup service point | Provides a join between mod- |
inventoryitemitems circulationrequestsstoragerequestsItem holdings record service-points |
Requester ID (mod- |
inventoryitemitemsholdingsRecordIDThe holdings record ID of the patron making the |
itemrequest | Provides a join between mod- |
inventoryitemitemsinventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdingsItem permanent location ID users/users |
Request type (mod- |
inventoryitemitemspermanentLocationID)Item's permanent location ID | Needed to pull in location name element from mod-inventory-storage/locations; provides join between mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items and mod-inventory-storage/locations
| Item temporary location ID (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/temporaryLocationID) | Item's temporary location ID | Needed to pull in location name element from mod-inventory-storage/locations; provides join between mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items and mod-inventory-storage/locations |
Item temporary location ID (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/effectiveLocationID) | Item's effective location | Needed to pull in location name element from mod-inventory-storage/locations; provides join between mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items and mod-inventory-storage/locations |
Item Barcode (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/barcode) | The barcode of the item | Needed for item search/replacement |
Material Type ID (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/materialTypeID) | ID of the material type
| Needed for item search/replacement |
Item Call Number (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/itemLevelCallNumber) | The call number of the item | Needed for item search/replacement |
Item Volume Number (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/itemVolumeNumber) | Used for a multipart monograph | Needed for item search/replacement |
Item Enumeration (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/enumeration) | Item enumerator (e.g., vol. 1, No. 2, etc.) | Needed for item search/replacement |
Item Chronology (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/chronology) | Descriptive information for the dating scheme of a serial | Needed for item search/replacement |
Item Copy Number requestType) | The type of request (hold, recall, etc.) | needed for report stats |
Request date (mod-circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests/requestDate) | Date the patron sent in the request | needed for report filter |
Status of the request (mod-circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests/status) | Status of the request: there are currently 8 request status values in the LPD, such as Open - Awaiting pickup, Open - Awaiting delivery", Closed - Filled, etc. | needed for report filter |
Fulfillment preference (mod-circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests/fulfilmentPreference) | How the request should be fulfilled (e.g, hold on shelf, delivery, etc.) | Needed for report stats |
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/service-point/service-points |
Pickup service point ID (mod-inventory-storage/ |
itemstorageitemscopyNumbers)Item copy number (e.g., copy 1, copy 2, etc.) | Needed for item search/replacement | Item note (ID) | ID of the pickup service point | Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage/ |
itemstorage/items/notes: description)Notes about the item | The item notes field may contain information that could be useful for an item search. All notes associated with an item should be included. | Table name: (point/service-points and mod-circulation-storage/ |
loanloansItem checkout location requests
Pickup service point location name (mod- |
circulationloanstorageloansitemEffectiveLocationAtCheckOutLocation from where item was checked out | Item checkout location, could be a location filter for this report.l | loan ID (mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans/id) | Loan ID | Needed to count the number of unique loans, to calculate historic charges |
Loan item status (mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans/itemStatus) | Status of the loan item | Where item status = 'Claimed returned'. This data element provides the main filter point for this report. |
loan policy ID (mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans/loanPolicyID) | ID of the last policy used in relation to this loanname of pick up location | Needed for report stats |
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items |
Item ID (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/ID) | The inventory ID of the item | Provides a join between mod- |
circulationloanloans items and mod-circulation-storage/ |
Item permanent location ID (mod- |
circulationloanloansitemIdProvides The UUID of the item | Item's permanent location ID | Provides a join |
point circulationloanloans items and mod-inventory-storage/ |
item-storage/items User locations
Material Type ID (mod- |
circulationloanloansuserIdThe user whose loan is claimed as returnedProvides material type
| Provides a join between mod- |
circulationloanloansuser/users; needed to connect to user table to bring in patron informationstorage/material-types
Table name: mod- |
circulation-storage/loan-policy-storage/loan-policiesLoan policy id users/addressTypes |
Delivery address type ID (mod- |
circulation-storage/loan-policy-storage/loan-policies/id)loan policy IDusers/addressTypes/addresstype/ID) | This type of ID must match with the type of address ID where deliveries are allowed | Provides a join between mod- |
circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans users/addressTypes and mod-circulation-storage/ |
loan-policyloan-policiesLoan policy requests |
address type name (mod- |
circulation-storage/loan-policy-storage/loan-policiesusers/addressTypes/addresstype/name) |
description loan policy, e.g., one hour loan, three week loan, etc.Provides a description for the type of loan policy for the item that was claimed returnedaddress type | Example: non-primary, work |
address type description (mod-users/addressTypes/addresstype/desc) | Description of the address type | Example: faculty office |
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/material-types |
(mod-inventory-storage/material-types/ |
idID) | The material type ID of the item | Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage/material-types and mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items |
Material Type Name (mod-inventory-storage/material-types/name) | Name of the material type (e.g., book, DVD, etc.) | Needed |
for item search/replacementTable name: mod-inventory-storage/locations | Location name (mod-inventory-storage/locations/name) | Name of location | This provides the main location filter this report.Location ID (mod-inventory-storage/locations/id) | ID of the location | Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage/locations and mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/itemsreport stats |
Table name: mod-users/users |
User |
id id whose loan is claimed as returnedmaking the request | Provides a join between mod-circulation-storage/ |
loanloanslrequests and mod-user/users |
User patron group ID (mod-users/users/patronGroup) | Patron group id of the user | User (patron) group id, to identify patron group name from groups table (e.g., grad student, faculty, staff, etc.) |
User Proxy user ID? | Table name: mod-users/groups |
User patron group ID (mod-users/groups/ |
idID) | Patron group id of the user | Provides a join between mod-users/groups and mod-user/users |
User patron group name (mod-users/groups/name) | Patron group name of the user | Type of patron (user), e.g., grad student, faculty, staff, etc. |
Proxy user group name? | ...