40 min | Requests wireframes | Cate | - Discussed title recalls
- Workflow:
- Start with a title search (in the inventory search app)
- Discover no available items
- Initiate a recall
- If there is >1 copy, you'll need to select the one you want to recall from the list based on info such as who has it out and what the due date is and if there are existing requests for the item
- Priority: most of the time, you are recalling a known item. Let's begin with item recalls
- Reviewed wireframes for item recalls (see below)
- Search
- Using the standard FOLIO pattern for search and select seems right
- There may be 2,000 open/active requests at a given time
- The data in the search results needs work. ??? offered to post screenshot of what is shown in their system.
- Move request types seem off - remove from mock-up
- The create new request form looks okay. Some suggestions:
- Additions to the information about the item and current loan:
- Call #
- Enumeration
- Copy #
- Volume #
- Shelving location
- Loan info:
- Current due date
- Who it is loaned to
- Loan status
- Existing requests on the item
- Other additions:
- Request expiration date - Date picker - "if this is never filled, request is no longer valid and expires"
- Hold shelf expiration date - This is needed once the item is checked in to indicate how long it can sit on the hold shelf. Not usually populated at the time of the request creation, but when editing later on (usually this data is captured in the request record). Need to discuss more how FOLIO will handle this.
- Request queue - Are there other requests and click to view
- Editing a record
- Need to be able to change request expiration date and hold expiration date
- If you search by title and choose an item, you should be able to pop open the search UI and pick another item without having to reapply your search and filters
- Cancelling a record - Needs to undo changes to the item's status, notifications need to go out etc. Will discuss more later.
- Delivery type - Need to distinguish between requests for hold shelf vs delivery. Will discuss more later.
- Physical vs digitization requests - Need distinction. Will discuss more later.
- Put conversation on hold so we could review the loan wireframes
20 min | Loan and loan action wireframes | Matt | - Review loan history and loan details wireframes
- Loan history:
- Open loans:
- Anytime we sort loans by due date, those with the earliest due date should be at the top by default (the ones coming due soonest)
- Show renewal count instead of "recalled" column - count shouldn't be a link
- Loan history is misleading - let's call this page "loans"
- Want to see item status column
- Would like to see request queue - should contain a number (# of requests) and should be a link
- Want all data in grid to be clickable (if applicable). For example, barcode (to item record), title (to instance record), names to user recordsrecord, loan policy to loan policy record. In fact, anywhere there is linkable data, they we want links.
- Discussed how this is a shift in paradigm - normally in FOLIO you click anywhere on the row to drill in to view the details
- SIG would like links in the grid data and the first option in the "..." menu is "view loan details" or something
- UX to mull this over
- Closed loans: This grid would have different data. Need to discuss more later.
- Preview pane
- The little tiny table on preview is useless
- Let's show statistics and maybe graphs (like little dashboard) here and just require use to click the button to view the table
- This might be an approach we need to use across FOLIO as there are many places where we want to show lists but the real-estate is insufficient