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Table of Contents

This article describes how to deploy and enable modules from install json formatted list

The purpose of this job, is to give possibility for developers to update deploy a set of modules

Job: backend-modules-deploydeployModulesFromJson





refresh_parametersbooleanService parameter for parameters refreshingrancher_cluster_name
CLUSTERlist<string>Name of cluster where project environment hosted
NAMESPACElist<string>Name of target environment where changes should be applied




list<string>Config for module deployment (cpu, memory, replica count, etc)
install_jsontextJson formatted install list of modulesenable_modulesboolean

True if module should be registered in okapi, false if only deploy without registration

DEFAULT_TENANT_IDstringTenant id where module should be installed
stringTenant admin user nameadmin_passwordsecure stringTenant admin user passwordload_referencebooleanTrue if reference data should be loaded during provisioningload_samplebooleanTrue if sample data should be loaded during provisioningreinstallbooleanTrue if force reinstall neededreindex_elastic_searchbooleanTrue if elasticsearch reindex neededrecreate_elastic_search_indexbooleanTrue if elasticsearch index should be recreated
textJson formatted install list of modules
LOAD_REFERENCEbooleanSet to true to load reference data during install
LOAD_SAMPLEbooleanSet to true to load sample data during install
SIMULATEbooleanSet to true to simulate installation before install
REINSTALLbooleanSet to true to re-enable modules during install
IGNORE_ERRORSbooleanSet to true to ignore errors during install


  1. Go to Jenkins
  2. Navigate to Rancher → Update → feature-backend-module-deploy folioRancher -> folioDevTools -> moduleDeployment -> deployModulesFromJson
  3. Click Build with Parameters (if you didn't see this button, contact Kitfox team)
  4. Select parameters
    1. rancher_cluster_name CLUSTER - Select name of the cluster where your rancher environment located
    2. rancher_project_name NAMESPACE - Select name of target environment where module should be deployed
    3. configCONFIG_type TYPE - If needed select deployment config type
    4. install_json - Type/Paste json formatted install list of modules
    5. enable_modules - Set to true if module should be registered, to false if module should be only deployed without registration in okapi
    6. tenant_id - Set tenant id
    7. DEFAULT_TENANT_ID - Set tenant id where module should be registered
    8. adminINSTALL_username - Set tenant admin username
    9. admin_password - Set tenant admin password
    10. load_reference JSON - Type/Paste json formatted install list of modules
    11. LOAD_REFERENCE - Set to true if reference data needed
    12. loadLOAD_sample SAMPLE - Set to true if sample data neededreinstall
    13. SIMULATE - Set to true to simulate installation before install
    14. REINSTALL - Set to true if module should be reinstall (if same version already registered in okapi)
    15. reindexIGNORE_elastic_search ERRORS - Set to true if elasticsearch reindex neededrecreate_elastic_search_index - Set to true if elasitcsearch index should be recreatedto ignore errors during install
  5. Click Build button
  6. Wait for completion

Job flow






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