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Prokopovych team retro board

Ongoing improvements

Next sprint improvement action items
Prokopovych sprint 113 retro
  •  Point bugs after working on them
  •  OL to talk to VR to have Prokopovych team scratch env case studies during the next session
Prokopovych sprint 112 retro

When feedback in a code review leads to significant work (more than a few hours), move the issue back to in progress so that folks can understand that more development is needed (and it isn't waiting for a code review)

Share during Sprint Planning (very roughly) how much time you spent helping other teams out, so we are aware and can decide if it affected our capacity significantly

When a team asks us to do work that we hadn't planned, add it to the Sprint and contact Holly so she can evaluate the priority relative to the other work

when creating jira from test rail test cycle the ticket should be marked as DRAFT, ping PO about it (check about changing the reporter from @OL to PO)

Core functional sprint 97 and release retro
  •  Create standardization document for API design and implementation. @Oleksiy Lemeshko to raise during planning
  •  @Cate to talk to POs about making sure that any requirement change is reflected in JIRA ticket
  •  In case of UI ticket translation to BE problems the ticket should not be estimated during planning/refinement. Ticket should be reviewed by BE as a group. Create translation task should be assigned to Be dev based on review session. Translation should be reviewed by MJ
Core functional sprint 92 and release retro

    Release: Cate Boerema (Deactivated) to talk to POs about doing permission testing throughout the quarter. Ask if we want some permission users set up by default. What permissions should they have?

  •  Cate Boerema (Deactivated) to check if the reset password functionality works. If it doesn't, will raise an issue for DevOps to investigate
  •  Release: Marc Johnson to follow up on additional users being created in the snapshot environment
  •  Oleksiy_Lemeshko to pass on to POs and Scrum Masters to make sure that (UI) issues are in the right project and have a fix version
  •  Oleksiy_Lemeshko to follow up with Cate his involvement in testing
  •  Zak Burke to raise GET/POST problem on TL meeting
  •  Release: Marc Johnson to raise a problem about release routine in JIRA on TL meeting
  •  Release: Marc Johnson and Zak Burke to prepare some kind of agenda for KT session or description of release process to present it to the team. @OL with set up the meeting once both are ready
Sprint 84 Retro Board

    Developers and POs need to think about release deadlines differently. Dev deadline should actually be 3 days before (to give POs time to review and reopen, if needed). Oleksiy_Lemeshko: Needs to be raised as project question. Should we add additional milestones?

  •  More frequent releases? Would need to lower cost of releasing (e.g. bugfest testing). Could we automate bugfest? Also, some features will only be half-done when you want to release. We could develop the capability to turn the feature off. FOLIO is not setup for that at the moment.
  •  Even if we set dev deadlines earlier to avoid having unfinished work merged at time of release deadline, we know we will sometime need to re-release modules or patch modules when unfinished work comes in.

    Marc will bring up the news thing again with tech leads. People should put titles and good descriptions on PRs etc.

  •  Could use the release JIRA issues to discuss release dates as long as the right people are watching the JIRA

    Other front-end devs from Core Functional could help Zak with releasing modules

    Same for backend modules

    Don't want to scatter this to the wind but there is value in spreading knowledge somewhat. Especially in case Zak or Marc is out. They could also serve as escalation point if there are problems.

  •  We could do some releases part way through the quarter (not to be used by anyone - kind of like a practice release). Will reduce the change log work needed at the end.
Sprint 82 Retro Board
  •  Oleksiy_Lemeshko to check with POs the list of stories for forthcomming refinement
Sprint 75 Retro Board
  • define who is responsible for shared parts of a system: stripes-core, stripes-connect, etc
  • define who is responsible for approving the integration of a new module
  • define a mechanizm of keeping community informed about new module is comming
  •  get back later to "how to make it easier for a developer to run ui regression test suit". Oleksiy_Lemeshkoto remind during next retro
  •  development team to delegate when possible
  •  development team to take notes on a ticket during grooming making sure that scenarios make sence
  •  development team to Raise any unclarity in US with PO or Tech Lead
Sprint 74 Retro Board

Sprint 69 Retro Board
  •  Oleksiy_Lemeshko to setup slackbot reminider about stand-up updates provision
  •  When putting a backend story In review, check to see if it was blocking anything and unblock that issue (e.g. CIRC-416 )
    Also please inform the world (core-functional slack channel :) ) about resolved dependency/prerequisite
Sprint 67 Retro Board
  •  Sprint retrospective agenda should be extended to cover sprint review topics:
  • extra items added to sprint during the sprint
  • wrong estimations that did not include some aspect
  • raise discussion about carry over items 2+ times

along with regular retro discussion. Assignee: Oleksiy_Lemeshko

  •  Below tasks assignment approach should be followed by Core: Functional team members:
  • look to the To Do column of Core: Functional Scrum Board in the current sprint for work to do before considering other stories. Please consider priority/order
  • raise with Lead PO and/or SM if you're about to work on an item that is not in the sprint. Stand-up is workable channel
  • if there is nothing for you in To Do list feel free to check highest backlog item that was previously refined (has estimation). Mention your intention during the stand-up

  •  Core: Functional team members to notify Tech Lead/SM about OOO plans 

Above improvements will be added to Ongoing improvements section during next retrospective 

Sprint 61 Retro Board
Sprint 60 Retro Board
Sprint 59 Retro Board
  •  Oleksiy_Lemeshko to check with other teams what BE style guide is used. Suggest google if not defined yet
  •  Team members to come out with the list of tech debt items by Tuesday, the 26-th. Oleksiy_Lemeshko to remind during stand-ups
  •  Oleksiy_Lemeshko to setup a meeting where CF team would generate release plan
Sprint 58 Retro Board
  •  Other teams breaking changes to be brought up to CF team attention by Monday, the 6-th day of each sprint. Oleksiy_Lemeshko to communicate it during SM meeting next Tuesday
  •  Oleksiy_Lemeshko to clarify the scope of PR review activity and level of CF team responsibility
  •  Oleksiy_Lemeshko to bring up on SoS meeting the size of PRs
  •  Investigate check style integration (BE): Matt Reno - spike, Oleksiy_Lemeshko to raise it with CP team
Sprint 57 Retro Board
Sprint 56 Retro Board
  •  Oleksiy_Lemeshko to split retro wiki page into two sections: ongoing improvements and next sprint improvement actions items
  •  Oleksiy_Lemeshko to arrange meeting for team DoD discussion once test coverage fix prerequisite is resolved (moved to next sprint)
  •  Oleksiy_Lemeshko to remind Marc Johnson to figure out better approach of handling crossteams PR reviews/coverage fixes/etc (moved to next sprint)
  •  Oleksiy_Lemeshko to define CF team volounteers for specific modules "ownership" in terms of PR reviews
  •  Oleksiy_Lemeshko to continue with ui-only groomings
  •  Oleksiy_Lemeshko to
add "Back-end devs only" quick filter on scrum board and
  • provide
Marc Johnson the list of backlog items for corresponding labeling on a weekly basis Oleksiy_Lemeshko to provide
  • Peter Murray team meetings schedule in order to create zoom meeting using paid accounts
Sprint 55 Retro Board
  •  Oleksiy_Lemeshko to ensure that spikes implemented early in the sprint or 1 sprint ahead of related business story (if possible)