Versions Compared


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I've started reviewing the documentation for the new development environments and have some questions. As I cannot comment on a page in github I am writing them up here.

Each question takes the form of a quote and a follow up question. I can create more explicit separation if that might help?


How are the modules included by default in a project determined?     for example, is it based upon a particular revision of a branch of a platform?

It is based on latest Folioci images.

Are there any projects present at the moment, I could not find any in the list for the default cluster? How is a new project created?

New Project are available for authorized GitHub team members. Project deployed with Terraform already

How does this affect the process for introducing a new module into FOLIO?


What is meant by module in this context? Does this catalog contain one entry for each module family (e.g. mod-inventory-storage) or one per version of a module (e.g. mod-inventory-storage 19.2.1)

For module family

Is this latest at the point when the project was created?


Is this the Apps menu item at the top of the page? And when accessed from within a project it is specific to that project?

Folio Helm repository shared for all Projects

Create your own branch of what, the Helm repository or the module repository?

Module repository. Helm repository is managed by DevOps

The linked rancher configuration includes a tag Does this mean that every custom module version is published to an FOLIO local docker repository and needs to be uniquely named to avoid conflicts?

No, you can add any tag you want

Is this specific to a project or across the whole Rancher cluster? Are these the two separate menu items Workloads and Pipelines under the Resources menu?

All these menu same for all Projects

What are the install or upgrade procedures (I haven't noticed them outlined elsewhere in the document)? 

Upgrade button in the right corner of applichation. "Launch" button to start new one

Is this the case for versions of modules built from a branch? If so, what if the branch contains updated descriptors, are those ignored?

You should prepare and register custom Descriptor 

How are these Docker commands run? Are they executed from the Rancher UI?

It should be run on developer local machine

Does this mean that each project is an isolated environment and can have separate tenants within it (that each could have different modules installed)?


As a developer, how do I complete the following:

Assuming that FOLIO system is running in a Rancher project (AKA team space):


You have to deploy/register modules in Rancher with appropriate order or use bulk registration command from documantation.documentation.

  1. How can multiple instances of the same module version be deployed and registered with Okapi


  1. How to build, deploy and register a UI bundle which includes a particular branch of a front-end module (e.g ui-users/feature-A )?


Deploy two or more UI bundle images. Do override Ingess URL for each bundle. Use bulk registration command from documantation documentation to register another tenants.


Recreate Project with Terraform

  1. Is there a way to move the whole of the system onto the latest in one step?

DevOps script '' in Terraform folder

  1. How can I provision previous release system? For example, FlameflowerFameflower. That would be important for schema updates testing.

It is very hard to implement. Needs a lot of manual job of deployment and registration

  1. Can I create my private container registry and point helm charts to it instead of folio-ci?

That is the main approach to build and deploy UI bundle now

  1. Can I have 2 FOLIO systems within 1 Rancher project?

It is very hard to implement. Better solution is to create a new Cluster

  1. I forgot that I was not using a system for a while. Is it going to be automatically deleted after predefined expiration interval?

It can be performed by Terraform and Jankins Jenkins job

  1. I stopped using the system for today. Can I suspend it until tomorrow so it doesn't burn AWS resources?

You can swith switch all ReplicasCount for all modules to 0
