EBSCO is preparing to set up a test data lake instance in Folio as a POC (Proof of Concept) and has asked to have someone from the Reporting SIG build a test report in an area likely to have some data (e.g., Patrons, Circ, Inventory). A small working group is forming to assist with this project.
3 week project to develop POC
learn about technical complexities re: building a data lake and exposing the data in the lake to an external report writing tool
data from FOLIO, dumped in lake, and work to write a report utilitizing that data to determine capabilities
use the tool (determine which tool), develop simple report (which report to build) within 3 week time period
need a contact from Reporting SIG
Sharon is looking for a small work group (who will write report, determine best tool, what data to use for POC (e.g. circ data? Anne Highsmith has already been doing some work we can piggyback on), identify migration issues)
Important questions to answer:
What's the best data to use?
What's the best tool?
Focus should be on the ability to fill the data lake and make it accessible to generate a successful report
Data lake will receive data in different formats; we want to have a system that is flexible for a variety of tools to extract data and create reports
Please send Sharon an email if you are interested in participating in defining the report
Staff at EBSCO will work with this group to determine the details needed for the final outcome
Next Meeting Agenda
Future Meeting Topics:
More on the Data Lake POC project
Data Warehouse/Lake Design (Christina Raus)
Integration (Paolo from Duke
Lake architecture overview
Consortial Reporting Needs identified by the Consortia SIG
Data Migration subgroup activities
Reporting Deliverables in the FOLIO Feature Backlog (formerly: V1 Dev & Milestone plan 2)