Product owner is a role on an Agile scrum team. The product owner (PO) represents the business or user community and is responsible for working with this group to determine what features will be in the product release. Other roles in scrum include scrum master and development team.
PO responsibilities
- Work with stakeholders (e.g. SIGs, developers, UX designers) to develop a vision for the product or feature they are responsible for
- Communicate this vision to the development team through a prioritized user story backlog that maximizes value delivered
- Be available to answer questions in a timely manner throughout the development process
- Test and accept user stories
- Test features regularly (including for accessibility), file and prioritize bugs as-needed and be generally aware of the state of quality for area of responsibility
- Remain on top of the current state of development
- Demonstrate progress and provide status updates to stakeholders
- Conduct user acceptance testing (UAT)
- Work closely with Technical Writer/Editor to provide thorough and up to date documentation
- Capture longer-term plans in backlog of UXPROD features
- Prioritize features for quarterly releases using inputs such as business value (UXPROD rankings), technical dependencies and available capacity
Despite being supplied to the project by various vendors and academic institutions, Product Owners support the entire community. This means:
Product Owner Responsibilities, and Tasks
This list includes current tasks undertaken by POs, as well as tasks for which POs share the workload with the Community, SIGs and SMEs
Requirement analysis
Research and gather proposed features and /or user stories and requirements
- Review UI mockups with various stakeholders
- Work with UX/UI designers on mockups and adherence to FOLIO UI standards
- Gather datasets
- Document/Define NFRs with team and stakeholders
- Define UI permission requirements
- Write permissions stories as:
- "As a user with permission A, I want to do X."
- Permission spreadsheet (see permission)
- Document in release notes (see release notes)
- Build permission sets in Github and use those for testing
- Write up Bugs
Backlog maintenance
- Refine development team feature/epic backlog
- Refine development team user story backlog
- Write/refine UI stories
- Ensure MOD(backend modules) stories are outlined and linked to appropriate UI (frontend modules) stories and Feature stories
- Review and prioritize bugs for your dev team modules/apps that were submitted by others
- Features Prioritization: Review calculated rankings, review/adjust PO rankings to reflect shifting priorities
- With scrum master, ensure that sprint management is happening - planning, pointing, reviewing
- Work with dev leads to provide high level estimates on features
Platform maintenance
- Write accessibility user stories
- Ensure personal data is captured
- See that your domain/apps contribute to a cohesive FOLIO user experience
Product development
- Help other teams with knowledge transfer as related to your team's apps/modules
- Coordinate development work across multiple teams for a feature(s)
- Help with onboarding new development team members
- Coordinate testing across multiple teams for a feature(s)
- Respond to questions from developers
- Backend User Story Verification (Postman)
- Frontend User Story Verification (either snapshot/scratch dev)
- Attend scrum ceremonies (scrum, sprint planning, sprint review, sprint retros)
QA and Product Testing
- Conduct Usability/User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Testing
- Conduct Accessibility Testing
- Participate in BugFest
- Write QA Tests
- Run QA tests
- Include permission tests
- Performance testing
- Write performance test stories
Release management
- Prepare for Capacity Planning meetings
- Update estimates
- Identify/Report at-risk features to capacity planning/SIGs
- BugFest
- Supply BugFest data (if necessary for your testing)
- Recruit BugFest participants
- Take Bugfest cases when no participant is assigned
- Create BugFest test cases
- Manage Bugfest test cases
- Release notes
- Update and maintain release notes
- Lead release planning /launch efforts
- Attend release meetings
- Update Documentation
- Manage Hotfix releases
- Triage hotfix defects
- Validate resolution, test in snapshot
- Seek hotfix approval
Stakeholder communication / Customer support
- Support knowledge sharing for features you implement (Respond to questions in slack, make presentations to stakeholders etc.)
- Address customers and prospects' questions
- Lead/attend SIG meetings (include present features/findings)
- With dev team, plan, practice, and present FOLIO-wide sprint demos
PO Education
- Attend /Participate in PO meetings
- Monitor PO Slack channel
- Mentor POs
- Acquire and enhance PO skills set
- Update applicable wiki PO pages
Helpful links
Team vs module responsibility matrix
See Getting Started for Product Owners page for more details on processes and links to resources.
"Thin thread" development